A general surgeon is a medical professional specializing in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases of the abdominal organs and wall, as well as minor surgical issues in the limbs and head, usually of a purulent-inflammatory nature. At “New Life,” the best surgical specialists in Kyiv are available: top-category doctors, PhD holders, authors of scientific papers, and active participants in international congresses and conferences.

When is a consultation with a surgeon necessary?

Indications for prescribing a therapeutic course or surgery may include laboratory results, instrumental diagnostic findings, and clinical examination. Additionally, a consultation with a surgeon and further surgery are necessary for the following symptoms:

  • Sharp abdominal pain.
  • Trauma to internal organs.
  • Impaired movement of food through the intestines.
  • Herniation.
  • Abdominal bloating.
  • Digestive disturbances.
  • Bleeding from the stomach or intestines.
  • Purulent-inflammatory skin processes.
  • Hematomas.

Surgical pathologies can occur acutely, requiring urgent intervention, or persistently, often asymptomatically, and cause issues only in more difficult-to-correct stages. Therefore, preventive examinations by a surgeon are an important element of care.

Surgical treatment
Doctor: David Noga

What services does the surgeon provide at "New Life"?

Doctors at “New Life” perform diagnostics using modern technologies and methods:

  1. Hernioplasty — performing surgical interventions for hernias of the abdominal wall at various locations using an original, minimally invasive technique. The hernia repair is done without skin stitches, so there is no need to stay in the clinic after surgery or remove stitches.
  2. Classic surgical techniques for abdominal interventions — treatment of acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, gallstone disease, all types of ulcer bleeding, acute pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, bile ducts, pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver.
  3. Modern laparoscopic techniques allow for optical and surgical flexible equipment to be introduced through one or two small, inconspicuous incisions. With this, the surgeon can perform surgery in the abdominal cavity, reducing trauma and speeding up recovery time.
  4. Endoscopic methods of surgical treatment — for many health issues, there is no need to open the abdominal cavity or organ for surgery. It is sufficient to enter the organ and remove foreign bodies or damaged tissue from within using specialized endoscopic equipment.
  5. Emergency surgery — urgent assistance is often required for acute conditions and diseases.

All these services are available at our “New Life” medical center, where we offer minimal surgeon consultation fees, affordable surgery costs, and comfortable conditions for patients.

Consultation with a surgeon: Treatment of Surgical Diseases

Hernias are a common cause of discomfort and disruption of normal abdominal organ function. Moreover, they can lead to many dangerous complications. At present, no other treatment methods are as effective as surgery for this pathology. There are various techniques for eliminating protrusions and restoring the integrity of the abdominal wall, but at “New Life,” we use the latest minimally invasive methods for this disease and modern materials to prevent recurrences in the future.
In addition to hernias, our private surgical clinic will help in the surgical treatment of the following health issues:

  1. Digestive disorders, pain in the right hypochondrium, enlargement and tenderness of the liver, and the inability to consume certain types of food are common symptoms of calcified cholecystitis and gallstone disease. In most cases, the spontaneous passage of stones from the gallbladder is impossible, and sometimes this pathology can even lead to a gallbladder colic requiring immediate surgical intervention.
  2. Treatment of acute conditions. Modern laparoscopic methods in “New Life” clinic allow for resolving the problem without large incisions and diagnosing the condition in a short period. These surgical methods are used when appropriate equipment and specialist preparation are available in various cases.
  3. Patients at “New Life” successfully undergo treatment for purulent-inflammatory skin diseases, gastrointestinal tract issues, tissue trophic disorders in diabetes, pancreatitis, liver diseases, and many other surgical pathologies.

Regardless of the form, stage, and progression of the disease, we guarantee a 100% recovery rate with high dynamics, no complications, and a short rehabilitation period.

The main advantages of our clinic

A comprehensive preoperative examination is carried out.
The clinical decision-making system provides for timely surgical intervention.
If necessary, there are operating rooms and a hospital that allow surgical treatment to be carried out.
Medical equipment from leading manufacturers of medical equipment for examination and treatment.

What services does the "New Life" Private Surgical Clinic offer?

We provide a full range of services, including:

  • Consultation with a surgeon, clinical examination, and medical history collection.
  • Specialized consultations.
  • Advice on the prevention of injuries and other causes requiring surgery.
  • Full diagnostics.
  • All types of therapeutic procedures, surgical interventions, and rehabilitation measures.

Examinations and surgeries are performed by top-category doctors using advanced medical equipment and innovative techniques.

Useful Consultation with a Surgeon, Prices, and Conditions

At our “New Life” medical center, patients will find comfortable examination rooms. After surgery, they will be provided with a comfortable place in a well-equipped inpatient room.

We have no queues, and we offer individual consultations with an emergency response system in place. Additionally, only at our medical center can patients expect objective consultation fees and other beneficial conditions.

New Life
Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
Work experience: 19 years
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience: 14 years
Doctor Serhiy Usachov Serhiy Usachov
Proctologist, Ph.D.
Work experience: 20 years
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience: 34 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

Я Сергей Некрасов переселенец с Луганской области сделал в клинике Нью Лайф три операции .Две в один день и третью через 4 месячный промежуток Что я могу сказать у меня не хватит слов чтобы выразить восхищение и благодарность всему персоналу и особенно главному врачу и одновременно хирургу клиники Ноге Давиду Анатольевичу. Давид Анатольевич это не просто хирург высшей категории с большим стажем работы а еще сама доброта милость мягкость обходительность милосердный ласковый плюс компетентность о таких говорят этот врач от Бога. Мне сделали два спинальных наркоза
оба раза легко и быстро так делают настоящие мастера своего дела. Когда утром персонал начинает работу они ее делают умело и при этом добродушны милы такой приятный стоит говорок как будто находишься в лесу и птички поют. Давид Анатольевич сделал мне одну операцию бесплатно и я восхищен его бескорыстием и сердце мое полно благодарности ему. Но я написал отзыв не поэтому а потому что это действительно прекрасная клиника современная не только оборудованием а и отношением к пациентам. Она на уровне во всех отношениях. Я очень доволен пребыванием там и результатами. Они лучшие. Мне 71 год.

Некрасов Сергей
71 years old

Прекрасная клиника, все очень хорошо организовано, я остался очень доволен и отношением медицинского персонала, и лечением, которое мне предложили и сделали. Операция прошла достаточно быстро, не было никаких болей, сейчас спустя несколько месяцев чувствую себя отлично.

53 years old
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    записаться к эндокринологу киевзапись к урологузубные поликлиники киевзапись на прием к врачу неврологухирургия киевудаление папилломы киевпарапроктит операции