Neurologists at the New Life hospital offer consultations and diagnostics using modern technologies and methods.
Comprehensive Examination. At New Life, you can undergo a comprehensive examination to determine key indicators and markers of the most common nervous system diseases. For this purpose, the neurologist will perform a thorough check-up, and additional tests may be done to determine the markers of main neurological diseases. After receiving the results, the risks of disease progression, the need for medication, and rehabilitation are determined. In addition, endoscopic examinations, ultrasound, X-ray diagnostics, electroencephalography, EKG, and many other tests may be conducted.
Neurological Status Assessment. During the consultation, the doctor assesses behavior, response to stimuli, reflexes, and overall mental state. In a neurological exam, the doctor evaluates the condition and activity of the brain, the presence of damage to peripheral nerves, and in case of pain, the degree of its intensity and any functional impairments.
Medication Treatment. In neurology, one of the main conditions for positive results is following the doctor’s recommendations over a long period. Medications are prescribed in combination, often requiring laboratory monitoring. During treatment, the doctor tracks the dynamics and necessity of adding rehabilitation exercises.
Rehabilitation Programs. Rehabilitation plays an important role in treating neurological disorders. The loss of function in specific organs or limb movements causes significant discomfort and reduces the patient’s quality of life. Therefore, neurological treatment places considerable emphasis on restorative medicine. Physical therapies, exercises, and various hardware techniques are used for rehabilitation.