Neurology at the New Life Clinic

A neurologist is a specialist whose expertise covers the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of damage and diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems in humans. In neurology, doctors perform various diagnostic tests that are highly complex. Treatment is often long-term and involves the use of a complex set of medications and rehabilitation procedures.

The choice of a qualified neurologist plays a key role in diagnosing and treating nervous system diseases, as they often require special approaches and high accuracy.

When to See a Neurologist

The main reasons for visiting a neurologist include:

  • back pain;
  • headaches;
  • hand tremors;
  • brain circulation disorders;
  • inflammation along the nerve trunks;
  • severe systemic nervous disorders;
  • consequences of severe infections causing nerve tissue damage.

At the New Life International Medical Clinic, the services provided by the neurologist are offered comprehensively, taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body and using modern diagnostic methods.

Modern principles of patient counseling and management
Doctor: David Noga

Neurological Checkup in the Absence of Symptoms

Even in the absence of symptoms, it is important to visit a neurologist regularly:

  • After the age of 40 — once a year for age-related changes prevention;
  • If there are risk factors — hereditary predisposition, chronic stress, head or spine injuries.

Preventive checkups help identify hidden diseases at early stages.
Consulting a neurologist at the first signs of discomfort or for prevention is a step towards preserving the health of your nervous system and improving your quality of life. Don’t delay your visit if you notice changes in your condition.

Neurologist Consultation at New Life and Other Services

Neurologists at the New Life hospital offer consultations and diagnostics using modern technologies and methods.

Comprehensive Examination. At New Life, you can undergo a comprehensive examination to determine key indicators and markers of the most common nervous system diseases. For this purpose, the neurologist will perform a thorough check-up, and additional tests may be done to determine the markers of main neurological diseases. After receiving the results, the risks of disease progression, the need for medication, and rehabilitation are determined. In addition, endoscopic examinations, ultrasound, X-ray diagnostics, electroencephalography, EKG, and many other tests may be conducted.

Neurological Status Assessment. During the consultation, the doctor assesses behavior, response to stimuli, reflexes, and overall mental state. In a neurological exam, the doctor evaluates the condition and activity of the brain, the presence of damage to peripheral nerves, and in case of pain, the degree of its intensity and any functional impairments.

Medication Treatment. In neurology, one of the main conditions for positive results is following the doctor’s recommendations over a long period. Medications are prescribed in combination, often requiring laboratory monitoring. During treatment, the doctor tracks the dynamics and necessity of adding rehabilitation exercises.

Rehabilitation Programs. Rehabilitation plays an important role in treating neurological disorders. The loss of function in specific organs or limb movements causes significant discomfort and reduces the patient’s quality of life. Therefore, neurological treatment places considerable emphasis on restorative medicine. Physical therapies, exercises, and various hardware techniques are used for rehabilitation.

The main advantages of our clinic

We cooperate only with proven manufacturers and use only the best materials.
A high-quality result allows you to make the right clinical decisions.
The technical potential of the clinic allows for complex and multi-stage research.
Support and consultation in case of changes in research results.

Treating Neurological Conditions After a Neurologist Consultation

After examination and analysis of lab and instrumental tests, the neurologist will make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Back pain often has an acute nature and requires immediate treatment due to significant discomfort and immobility. For pain, the neurologist will determine the level of damage and the presence of organic lesions. Treatment may involve hardware techniques, physical exercises, massage, external anti-inflammatory drugs, therapy with oral medications, and injections, including the use of local anesthetic injections.

Cerebral vascular damage often occurs due to circulatory disturbances from atherosclerotic changes, congenital vascular abnormalities (aneurysms, dissection), high blood pressure, or poor regulation of blood flow in the vessels. This leads to brain tissue damage and symptoms like paralysis or paresis, which can vary in severity. Different complex measures are used to restore function, with the neurologist overseeing the process.

Treatment of Systemic Neurological Diseases

At New Life Clinic, all conditions are created for diagnosing and treating various pathological processes associated with nerve tissue damage. Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and age-related metabolic disorders often cause significant nerve tissue damage. To slow the progression and reduce the frequency of relapses and exacerbations, skilled help from a neurologist is required, who will monitor the disease over time and provide treatment recommendations.

New Life
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience: 34 years
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience: 14 years
Doctor Olga Bakurova Olga Bakurova
Work experience: 31 years
Doctor Lyudmila Shpura Lyudmila Shpura
Work experience: 10 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

После травмы руки длительно не восстанавливалась функция, мне посоветовали обратится к неврологу. Сейчас я уже понимаю, что надо было сразу к нему бежать, но время уже упущено и восстанавливать придётся долго. Но я не отчаиваюсь, в Нью Лайф работают прекрасные специалисты и они я уверена мне помогут.

56 лет

Случился инсульт, и некоторые функции пострадали. Решил, что нужно менять свой образ жизни и это было предупреждением. Поэтому обратился за помощью к специалистам. Сейчас под их присмотром, поменял режим и образ жизни, и чувствую себя на много лучше. Болеть плохо, поэтому берегите себя и старайтесь советоваться с врачами, не доводя до болезни.

44 года

Пришлось обратится к врачам, после того как стал отмечать нарушения зрения и частые головокружения. В клинике Нью Лайф провели обследование и поставили диагноз. Вначале сильно расстроился, услышав о себе такое. Но врачи меня немного успокоили и заверили, что при надлежащем лечении процесс можно остановить на бесконечно длительное время. Думаю, что они правы, так как я лечусь всего пару месяцев, но результат уже чувствую. Обращайтесь в эту клинику, Вам здесь всегда помогут.

42 года
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