Inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernia - what is it?

Inguinal hernia surgery

An inguinal hernia is a condition in which internal organs protrude from the abdominal cavity into the inguinal canal, forming a visible bulge under the skin. In men, this condition is diagnosed several times more often than in women, due to the anatomy and weakness of the muscles in the groin area.

At the New Life Clinic in Kyiv, treatment of inguinal hernias is carried out using all known modern methods, which ensure high efficiency and safety for our patients.

But the main difference between us and other clinics is the unique patented immersion technique sutures (Patent for invention of Ukraine No. 49856 dated October 15, 2002), which allows not only to restore the normal position of organs and strengthen the hernial orifice, to guarantee the absence of risks of reoccurrence of a hernia, but also to almost completely eliminate any traces of surgery on the body.

Inguinal hernia: causes of the disease

  • Weakness in the abdominal wall: An inguinal hernia often occurs due to weakness in part of the abdominal wall. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, aging, and intra-abdominal pressure.
  • Anatomical features or heredity: Some people have anatomical features, especially men, that may make them more susceptible to developing an inguinal hernia. Genetic factors may also play a role in the development of an inguinal hernia. If family members have had similar problems, this may increase the likelihood of it occurring in other family members.
  • Physical stress:Lifting heavy objects, frequent coughing, or other types of physical stress can create additional pressure inside the abdomen and contribute to the formation of a hernia.
  • Obesity:Excess weight can increase intra-abdominal pressure, which increases the risk of hernia.

Knowing these common factors can help understand why a person may develop an inguinal hernia. It is important to remember that each person is unique and the reasons may vary in individual cases. If you suspect a hernia, it is important to discuss it with your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Consulting with an experienced physician can help you evaluate all of these factors and make an informed decision about whether surgery or alternative treatments are necessary.

Inguinal hernia: symptoms

  • Protrusion or swelling in the groin area: One of the main signs of an inguinal hernia is the appearance of a protruding area or spherical tumor in the groin area.
  • Pain or discomfort:Pain or discomfort in the groin area may occur, especially with heavy lifting, coughing, or physical activity. Men with an inguinal hernia sometimes experience testicular pain or a sensation of prolapse.
  • Feeling of heaviness or tightness: People with an inguinal hernia sometimes feel heaviness or tightness in the groin area, especially after physical activity.
  • Visual changes when you strain:You may notice an increase in the bulge when you cough, sneeze, or strain, and then a decrease when you rest.

Inguinal hernia: what not to do?

  1. take hot baths or warm the lower abdomen in some way (compresses, heating pads),
  2. engage in heavy sports (strength lifting and exercise equipment, martial arts),
  3. try to repair the hernia manually or treat it with traditional methods (the likelihood of complications increases).
Abdominal hernia surgery
Doctor: Davyd Noga

Traditional and Surgical Treatment of Inguinal Hernia at "New Life" Medical Center

A hernia never goes away on its own

This bulging never resolves on its own, and, in simple terms, in this disease, an organ (most often, loops of the intestine) under pressure from adjacent organs changes its position inside the body, damaging the front wall, and protrudes under the skin. In adjacent systems, the wall damage does not resolve on its own, and the displaced organ cannot return to its position.

There is no treatment for hernia without surgery

This pathological issue is dangerous due to its complications: inflammation, incarceration with necrotic consequences, constipation with fecal stagnation in the intestines (fecaloma), and sexual dysfunction. Guaranteed treatment can only be achieved through surgery; otherwise, you risk wasting time and only worsening the situation by resorting to unverified methods.

You will be able to quickly return to normal life

Modern minimally invasive (gentle, low-trauma) surgeries for inguinal hernias allow patients to leave the clinic within hours, either the same day or the next day after surgery. Hospitalization and bed rest are not required. In about a month, health will be almost fully restored, and you will be able to return to productive activities, daily life, and training.

Which doctor treats an inguinal hernia?

Inguinal hernia surgery
Davyd Noga

Herniology is a field of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of hernias of the anterior abdominal wall. Hernioplasty is a surgical intervention aimed at eliminating a hernia by suturing it and strengthening weak areas of the abdominal wall. Hernia removal operations at the New Life Clinic are performed by a top category herniological surgeon with 30 years of experience in Ukraine and the USA (Loma Linda University Medical Center, California) .

Davyd Noga is the founder and chief physician of the New Life Clinic, has 22 scientific works, 3 patents for inventions (including one patent of the international PCT standard) and patent rights for 2 useful models in medicine.

Methods of carrying out operations for the treatment of hernia at New Life

Inguinal hernia surgery

Open hernioplasty allows access to the contents of the hernia and the hernial gate through an external incision, while the incisions made are minimal, the tools used are minimally traumatic, and the suture material is made of ultra-thin modern materials. Thus, when performing operations, we care not only about the physical result and elimination of the disease, but also about the aesthetic wishes of our patients. Surgeons at New Life use a unique method of immersion sutures (Invention Patent of Ukraine No. 49856, dated 10.15.2002), thanks to which the patient has an almost complete absence of scars and scars.

Inguinal hernia surgery

When using this technique, surgical intervention is performed not through one large incision, but through two or three small punctures up to 0.5 cm each. A special endoscopic tool is inserted into the holes and all the necessary manipulations are performed, as well as the insertion of a surgical mesh. Thus, endoscopic hernioplasty gives better results, since the location of the mesh on the side of the abdominal cavity more reliably protects the defect of the inguinal canal or the abdominal wall with increased intra-abdominal pressure.

The main advantages of our clinic

A comprehensive examination is being conducted
The clinical decision-making system provides for the selection of adequate treatment
Many diseases can be cured with minimally invasive interventions and procedures
Modern equipment, high-quality imaging for diagnosis and innovative treatment

Inguinal Hernia Removal: Surgery Costs and Conditions at "New Life" Medical Center

Our clinic meets all medical requirements for such surgical procedures. We have operating rooms equipped with modern equipment, high-precision diagnostic devices, and progressive tools for precise micro-surgical manipulations.

Thus, the treatment is carried out with minimal blood loss, without pain or discomfort, and with a guarantee of fast rehabilitation. Moreover, one more advantage of laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery is the price, which we keep stable without extra charges or markups in Kyiv.

Examinations, consultations, and surgeries are performed by highly qualified surgeons with a full focus on comfort and an individualized approach to the patient.

New Life
New Life
Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
Work experience: 19 years
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience: 14 years
Doctor Serhiy Usachov Serhiy Usachov
Proctologist, Ph.D.
Work experience: 20 years
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience: 34 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

Оперировалась в клинике по поводу диастаза передней брюшной стенки. С этой проблемой сталкиваются многие женщины после родов. До того, как попасть в Нью Лайф, прошла другую клинику пластической хирургии. Не смогли ушить так, чтоб мышцы не расходились. Через 3 месяца результат сошёл к нулю. И я снова была с животом беременной женщины. Моя косметолог-врач посоветовала мне искать абдоминальную клинику. Я нашла Нью Лайф и Давида Анатолиевича. Результатом довольна. Наконец-то мои поиски увенчались успехом. Отношение к пациентам то же на хорошем уровне. Приём не 10-15 минут, а час и более. Выясняют все ваши проблемы, а не только по причине обращения. Все выяснили и вылечили.

40 years old

25 лютого робив операцію з видалення пахової грижі. Дякую доктору Давиду Анатолійовичу та доктору Олександру Феліксовичу за чудову роботу!

61 years old

Дедушка в свои 77 лет жутко боялся врачей, операции и больницу, поэтому лет 8 “носил” свою паховую грыжу. Противопоказаний к операции по здоровью не было, просто боялся. И доносил её до ужасающих размеров, бинтовал к ноге! С трудом уговорили его решиться. Спасибо Вам, Давид Анатольевич, и дай Вам Бог здоровья за то, что подарили нашему дедушке возможность спокойно пожить в свои преклонные годы!

30 years old

В январе 2019 мне делали операцию паховой грыжи. На консультации Давид Анатольевич сразу расположил к себе и я решила оперироваться в Нью Лайф. Я ооочень довольна профессионализмом всех! Мои никудышные вены с первого раза(!) сдались, приняли катетер и незаметно пробыли с ним сутки. На операции мы говорили, шутили, дискутировали – была спинальная. На следующий день, потихонечку собравшись, уже можно было ехать домой. Если не злоупотреблять обезболивающим первые сутки после операции – подняться намного легче. Все советы врача и медсестер соблюдать и будет вам быстрое восстановление. Кстати, внимание врачей невероятное! Причем к тебе приходят все кто был на операции. Консультация после операции по телефону тоже была и неоднократно. Швы сняли через 10 дней – ррраз и все. Главное, хочу посоветовать девушкам делать такую операцию сразу после дамских дней – бандаж крепится своеобразно между ног. Сейчас могу бегать, прыгать, одевать обтягивающие вещи и все красиво и не болит! Спасибо Нью Лайф!!!

34 years old

Прекрасная клиника, все очень хорошо организовано, я остался очень доволен и отношением медицинского персонала, и лечением, которое мне предложили и сделали. Операция прошла достаточно быстро, не было никаких болей, сейчас спустя несколько месяцев чувствую себя отлично.

53 years old

Приехала прооперироваться специально в эту клинику, так как была наслышана об их уникальных методиках лечения грыж. Не ожидала, что все оказывается так просто. Боялась, что по возрастным и сопутствующим заболеваниям откажут, но все нормально. Переживаний особых не было, так как шла сюда по рекомендации знакомых, которые уже не раз лечились. Спасибо за золотые руки врачам хирургам.

Лариса Абрамовна
52 years old

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