Preventive medicine at the New Life Clinic

Preventive medicine has long been recognized as the gold standard across various therapeutic specialties in developed countries. People are paying increasing attention to identifying health risk factors and mitigating their impact through comprehensive methods.

When Disease Prevention is Recommended

Preventive measures are aimed at reducing the risk of the following conditions:

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Chronic gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Musculoskeletal system issues.
  • Urinary system dysfunctions.
  • Endocrine pathologies.
  • Oncological diseases.

Today, preventive medicine is a key focus in family medicine. Its primary goal is to assess the risks of developing severe or chronic diseases and to prevent them. To achieve this, doctors evaluate various risk factors and provide recommendations for lifestyle adjustments, dietary changes, or, when necessary, prescribe medications. Preventive measures should be carried out systematically, taking into account the individual needs of each patient.

Clinical preventive direction
Doctor: David Noga

Benefits of Preventive Medicine

Rather than treating existing illnesses, prevention focuses on avoiding them altogether. This approach is more effective, cost-efficient, and humane than managing developed diseases. Key advantages of preventive medicine include:

Maintaining health at early stages

Identifying risk factors early helps avoid serious changes in the body caused by diseases.

Reducing healthcare costs

Preventive measures such as vaccinations or regular check-ups are significantly less expensive than treating complications or chronic conditions.

Improving quality of life

The absence of illness allows individuals to lead active lives, pursue hobbies, and work without discomfort.

Early diagnosis of hidden pathologies

Screening tests help detect diseases at preclinical stages, when treatment is most effective.

Prevention is a step toward a future where diseases are rare, and health is the standard. Caring for yourself begins with understanding that preventing illness is always easier than curing it.

Preventive Medicine Services at "New Life"

Preventive care at the “New Life” clinic utilizes advanced technologies and guidelines:

Risk factor assessment. Risks depend on potential diseases. Factors considered include constitutional characteristics, hereditary conditions, health of close relatives, lifestyle, dietary habits, and laboratory test results. A comprehensive evaluation is conducted to determine the likelihood of developing a pathology.

Laboratory tests. These are among the most accurate methods for assessing disease risks and monitoring the effectiveness of preventive measures.

Preventive treatment. Corrective measures encompass a wide range of interventions aimed at disease prevention. These can include primary prevention (avoiding disease onset) or secondary prevention (preventing complications, relapses, or progression of existing conditions).

The main advantages of our clinic

The technical potential of the clinic allows for complex and multi-stage research.
With timely diagnosis, organ-preserving technologies can be used.
Doctors do not assess individual symptoms, but the whole picture.
Support and consultation in case of changes in research results.

Preventive Medicine in Clinical Practice

The “New Life” clinic’s strategy is based on years of experience from European countries, where comprehensive preventive approaches have significantly reduced the incidence and mortality rates of serious diseases.

  • Cardiovascular pathologies. Special attention is given to identifying risks for ischemic heart disease, hypertension, heart attacks, and strokes.
  • Endocrine disorders. Screening for thyroid and pancreatic function, hormone analysis, and blood glucose testing are critical for preventing severe endocrine issues.

Cancer Prevention and Treatment

Oncological diseases require timely detection for effective treatment. Physicians at “New Life” use algorithms to diagnose early stages of oncological conditions and assess risks for various diseases, including neurological disorders, digestive system diseases, and infections. Systematic preventive measures allow for early detection and effective intervention.

New Life
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience: 14 years
Doctor Lyudmila Shpura Lyudmila Shpura
Work experience: 10 years
Doctor Yulia Govoruha Yulia Govoruha
Work experience: 8 years
Doctor Galina Makarchuk Galina Makarchuk
Work experience: 24 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

У меня в семье у отца был инсульт, и я знаю не понаслышке, что это за проблема. Поэтому никогда не пожелаю ни себе, никому другому такое пережить. Решил сделать все, чтобы предупредить подобное у себя. Посмотрел кто предлагает подобные услуги, и убедился, что только Нью Лайф предлагает комплексные подходы к решению проблемы. Обратился и получил исчерпывающую консультацию и предложения, о том, что надо делать. Надеюсь это поможет, по крайней мере анализы уже показывают хорошие результаты и это радует.

42 года

Случился инсульт, и некоторые функции пострадали. Решил, что нужно менять свой образ жизни и это было предупреждением. Поэтому обратился за помощью к специалистам. Сейчас под их присмотром, поменял режим и образ жизни, и чувствую себя на много лучше. Болеть плохо, поэтому берегите себя и старайтесь советоваться с врачами, не доводя до болезни.

44 года
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