Femoral hernia

What is a Femoral Hernia

A hernia is a medical condition where part of an internal organ protrudes beyond its natural position through weakened muscles or ligaments. Femoral hernias are less common than other types but can lead to more severe consequences. The main difference is the location of the pathology, which is typically below the inguinal canal.
The primary danger lies in the potential for strangulation and disrupted blood circulation in the organs, which can cause necrosis (tissue death). This condition requires urgent medical attention.

Symptoms vary depending on the stage of the disease. A characteristic sign is a bulge in the thigh or groin area, which may increase with physical activity or strain and decrease at rest. Another significant symptom is discomfort in the affected area. The pain may be sharp or pulling and can sometimes radiate to the lower back or buttocks.

If the hernia becomes strangulated, the patient experiences sharp, acute pain, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weakness, and fatigue. Some patients may also experience digestive problems, such as constipation or gas retention, due to pressure on the intestines.

Causes of Femoral Hernias

The development of a femoral hernia can be attributed to both hereditary factors and lifestyle choices. Some individuals are born with a predisposition to hernias due to weak connective tissues. Other risk factors include:

  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure. Chronic coughing, constipation, and heavy physical labor can stretch muscles and tissues.
  • Age and gender. As tissues lose elasticity with age, the risk increases. Femoral hernias are more common in women, particularly after menopause, due to hormonal changes and weakened connective tissues.
  • Excess weight, which adds pressure to the abdominal cavity and weakens the abdominal wall, increasing the likelihood of organ protrusion.
  • Injuries and surgeries that create a site for the hernia to form.

Additionally, pregnancy can contribute to the development of a femoral hernia due to the physical changes it causes in a woman’s body.

How Femoral Hernias Are Diagnosed

The first step in diagnosing a femoral hernia is a clinical examination. The doctor collects the patient’s medical history, assesses symptoms, and examines the affected area. It’s essential to evaluate the size, consistency, and pain level of the hernia during palpation. In cases of a strangulated hernia, the patient experiences sharp pain, and the bulge is typically tense and immobile. Diagnostic methods include:

Ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound imaging, a safe and effective method for visualizing tissues.

Computed tomography

Computed tomography (CT) for a detailed assessment of organs and tissues, often recommended when planning surgery.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to detect hidden damage, measure the hernia, and evaluate surrounding tissues.

A comprehensive assessment provides the specialist with a full understanding of the pathology and its effects on the patient’s body.

Abdominal hernia surgery
Doctor: David Noga

Conservative Treatment of Femoral Hernias

In cases of smaller hernias with no complications, conservative treatment methods may be recommended to improve the patient’s condition. These include:

  • Medication therapy. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs alleviate pain, muscle relaxants relieve spasms, and antibiotics may be prescribed to address potential infections or inflammation.
  • Physiotherapy. Tailored exercise programs strengthen muscles and prevent the condition from worsening.

It’s important to note that physiotherapy does not replace primary treatment but serves as a supplementary measure to enhance the quality of life.

Surgery for Femoral Hernias: Indications and Methods

When conservative treatment proves ineffective or the patient’s condition deteriorates, surgical intervention is necessary. Key indications for surgery include:

  • An increase in hernia size.
  • Worsening symptoms.
  • Hernia strangulation, which can lead to intestinal obstruction.
  • Adverse changes in surrounding tissues.

Methods of performing surgery for femoral hernia

Femoral hernia
Open surgery

Open surgery, where the hernia sac is removed, and the area is reinforced using natural or synthetic materials.

Femoral hernia
Laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopic surgery, a modern approach that involves minimal incisions. This method is less invasive, reduces the risk of complications, and allows for a quicker recovery.

The main advantages of our clinic

The examination is carried out on modern equipment.
The clinical decision-making system provides for the selection of adequate treatment.
Many diseases can be cured with minimally invasive surgical interventions.
Modern equipment and highly qualified doctors allow us to find a solution even in difficult cases.

Recovery After Surgery

The rehabilitation period can last from several weeks to a few months, depending on the complexity of the procedure. Patients must monitor for signs of inflammation or infection and avoid excessive strain.

Preventive measures for femoral hernias include:

  1. A balanced diet rich in fiber, whole grains, and vegetables to prevent constipation.
  2. Regular exercises to strengthen the body’s core muscles.
  3. Maintaining a healthy weight and proper lifting techniques, as well as quitting smoking.

If you have risk factors or symptoms such as thigh pain or a noticeable bulge, consult the specialists at New Life Medical Center. They offer advanced diagnostic methods, effective treatment options, and expert consultations to ensure the best care for your health.

New Life
New Life
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience: 34 years
Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
Work experience: 19 years
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience: 14 years
Doctor Rodion Fedorishin Rodion Fedorishin
Urologist, Ph.D.
Work experience: 25 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

Оперировалась в клинике по поводу диастаза передней брюшной стенки. С этой проблемой сталкиваются многие женщины после родов. До того, как попасть в Нью Лайф, прошла другую клинику пластической хирургии. Не смогли ушить так, чтоб мышцы не расходились. Через 3 месяца результат сошёл к нулю. И я снова была с животом беременной женщины. Моя косметолог-врач посоветовала мне искать абдоминальную клинику. Я нашла Нью Лайф и Давида Анатолиевича. Результатом довольна. Наконец-то мои поиски увенчались успехом. Отношение к пациентам то же на хорошем уровне. Приём не 10-15 минут, а час и более. Выясняют все ваши проблемы, а не только по причине обращения. Все выяснили и вылечили.

40 years old

25 лютого робив операцію з видалення пахової грижі. Дякую доктору Давиду Анатолійовичу та доктору Олександру Феліксовичу за чудову роботу!

61 years old

Дедушка в свои 77 лет жутко боялся врачей, операции и больницу, поэтому лет 8 “носил” свою паховую грыжу. Противопоказаний к операции по здоровью не было, просто боялся. И доносил её до ужасающих размеров, бинтовал к ноге! С трудом уговорили его решиться. Спасибо Вам, Давид Анатольевич, и дай Вам Бог здоровья за то, что подарили нашему дедушке возможность спокойно пожить в свои преклонные годы!

30 years old

В январе 2019 мне делали операцию паховой грыжи. На консультации Давид Анатольевич сразу расположил к себе и я решила оперироваться в Нью Лайф. Я ооочень довольна профессионализмом всех! Мои никудышные вены с первого раза(!) сдались, приняли катетер и незаметно пробыли с ним сутки. На операции мы говорили, шутили, дискутировали – была спинальная. На следующий день, потихонечку собравшись, уже можно было ехать домой. Если не злоупотреблять обезболивающим первые сутки после операции – подняться намного легче. Все советы врача и медсестер соблюдать и будет вам быстрое восстановление. Кстати, внимание врачей невероятное! Причем к тебе приходят все кто был на операции. Консультация после операции по телефону тоже была и неоднократно. Швы сняли через 10 дней – ррраз и все. Главное, хочу посоветовать девушкам делать такую операцию сразу после дамских дней – бандаж крепится своеобразно между ног. Сейчас могу бегать, прыгать, одевать обтягивающие вещи и все красиво и не болит! Спасибо Нью Лайф!!!

34 years old
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