Oncology at the New Life Clinic

An oncologist is a doctor in Kyiv whose field of expertise includes the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of benign and malignant tumors of various localizations. In oncology, specialists often have to perform surgeries, including reconstructive and plastic surgeries to restore the shape and volume of lost organs.

Additionally, one of the most important aspects of treatment includes chemotherapy and palliative care for patients.

When to See an Oncologist in Kyiv

The main reasons for seeking consultation with an oncologist include:

  • appearance of skin neoplasms (moles, birthmarks);
  • rapid growth and change in shape and volume of skin neoplasms;
  • presence of foreign lumps in the breast area;
  • skin retraction and “orange peel” appearance on the breast surface;
  • swelling and lumpy areas on the front of the neck;
  • large masses in the abdominal cavity;
  • abnormalities detected in ultrasound or X-ray images;
  • suspicion of oncology based on histological examination.

Oncology is a priority area in the work of the “New Life” clinic. Modern and technologically advanced diagnostic equipment allows for accurate diagnosis in the shortest possible time. Doctors carefully monitor all stages of the treatment process. Surgical interventions are performed in such a way as to minimize the area of damage and, whenever possible, preserve the appearance and function of the organ.

Treatment of cancer diseases
Doctor: Pavlo Luzan

Oncologist Services at New Life Clinic

Oncologists at the "New Life" clinic offer consultations and diagnostics using modern technologies and methods.

Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Techniques

Modern laparoscopic techniques involve making one or two small, inconspicuous incisions through which optical and flexible surgical equipment is inserted to perform interventions in the abdominal cavity and pelvic region. One of the advantages of this method is that it avoids damaging healthy tissues, the anatomy of organs, and preventing external microbiota from entering the abdominal cavity. This reduces the trauma of the surgical intervention and speeds up recovery after surgery.

Reconstructive Surgical Interventions

In several oncological processes, reconstructive surgeries are necessary to restore the shape and volume of lost body parts and improve aesthetic appearance. These interventions are especially important for women undergoing breast surgery. At the "New Life" medical center, complex surgical interventions are performed, including the installation of high-quality breast prostheses with prior consultations and support during surgery via telebridge with leading oncologists and plastic surgeons from the USA.


In many cases of malignant tumors, effective chemotherapy is required. Modern chemotherapy drugs are selected individually based on tumor markers and genetic characteristics of the cancer cells. This is why chemotherapy is often called targeted (precision) chemotherapy. Targeted therapy requires extensive experience and high qualifications of the specialist. Additionally, during prolonged chemotherapy, special devices may be used to reduce complications from intravenous drug administration, helping the patient feel more comfortable.

Comprehensive Approach to Oncology Diagnosis and Treatment

At the “New Life” oncology clinic in Kyiv, you can undergo a comprehensive examination to identify the main indicators and markers of the most common oncological diseases. For this purpose, the oncologist will perform a comprehensive check-up, and additional blood tests and biopsies may be performed. After receiving the results, the risks of disease progression, the need for surgery, and chemotherapy will be determined. If necessary, additional endoscopic examinations, ultrasound, X-ray diagnostics, blood biochemistry, and many other tests may be conducted.

Oncology Treatment in Kyiv Clinic

Based on the results of the examination, lab and instrumental research, the oncologist will diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Breast tumors can have different origins and develop from various tissues of the breast. In some cases, the tumors are benign and do not require chemotherapy after removal. However, in cases of malignant neoplasms, a thorough examination of surrounding tissues for metastasis in regional lymph nodes is necessary. Modern surgical techniques allow the surgeon to carefully treat the body’s tissues and remove only damaged areas. At the “New Life” medical center, breast surgeries are performed at the highest professional level.

In the presence of tumors in the abdominal cavity, visual assessment is often required. For this purpose, laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques are used, which allow for a visual examination of the tumor, biopsy collection, and surgery with minimal trauma to surrounding tissues and organs. In fully equipped rooms, post-surgery rehabilitation and recovery monitoring are conducted.

The main advantages of our clinic

We cooperate only with proven manufacturers and use only the best materials.
Support and consultation in case of changes in research results.
A high-quality result allows you to make the right clinical decisions.
The technical potential of the clinic allows for complex and multi-stage research.

Skin Oncology Treatment by Oncologists in Kyiv

At the “New Life” oncology clinic in Kyiv, all conditions are created for diagnosing and treating skin oncological pathology. Benign and malignant tumors are usually treated by removing the affected area of skin with subsequent chemotherapy. Surgical interventions are performed using modern equipment. In comprehensive therapy, the latest medications are used to rapidly stop the process and prevent recurrences.

Additionally, patients at “New Life” successfully undergo treatment for reproductive system neoplasms in both men and women, as well as endocrine organ tumors and other localizations.

New Life
Doctor Pavlo Luzan Pavlo Luzan
Work experience: 27 years
Doctor Volodymyr Rudyuk Volodymyr Rudyuk
Work experience: 14 years
Doctor Evgeny Cheshuk Evgeny Cheshuk
Work experience: 4 years
Doctor Serhiy Usachov Serhiy Usachov
Proctologist, Ph.D.
Work experience: 20 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

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