Family medicine at the New Life Clinic

Family medicine is based on a comprehensive approach to providing medical care at the outpatient stage. A family medicine doctor monitors the overall health of patients, develops treatment and wellness plans. During consultations with specialized doctors, they consolidate all recommendations, create an individual plan for examinations and further treatment, coordinate this process, and set priorities.

When to Visit a Family Medicine Center

Patients visit a family medicine clinic to receive advice and recommendations on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of:

  • Health monitoring.
  • Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Management of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of respiratory illnesses.
  • Coordination of consultations with specialized doctors.
  • Adjustment of prescriptions and treatment control.

Features of Family Medicine

Family medicine is not just about therapy or treating all family members with the same doctor. The word “family” is not the key focus. Family members can choose different doctors. The core idea lies in the holistic approach to patient health. A family doctor is the first specialist patients consult and the one who accompanies them until the completion of treatment.

At the “New Life” clinic, successful practices from American colleagues are adopted. Doctors are trained under the guidance of a practicing specialist from the USA.

Early disease prevention in family doctor practice
Doctor: David Noga

Services at the "New Life" Family Medicine Clinic

Specialists at “New Life” perform diagnostics using modern technologies and methodologies.

  • Comprehensive examination. In just 45 minutes, patients can undergo an examination to determine key indicators and markers for common diseases. This includes a thorough physical examination, general blood and urine tests, blood sugar measurement, and ECG. If necessary, additional procedures like endoscopy, ultrasound, blood biochemistry, and specific cardio- or tumor markers analysis are conducted.
  • Family doctor consultation. The clinic’s setup ensures maximum convenience: patients receive consultations in a comfortable setting. Diagnostic tests and examinations are conducted in one place, minimizing waiting time and improving the overall patient experience.

Prevention and Comprehensive Treatment

In many cases, no specific treatment is required, but a family doctor can predict the risk of serious conditions based on certain markers. Preventive measures are then prescribed, including:

  1. Lifestyle modification.
  2. Recommendations for physical activity, diet, and nutrition.
  3. Medication (if necessary).

The doctor oversees these measures, monitors the patient’s condition dynamically, and ensures adherence to recommendations. If a patient has multiple conditions, the family doctor coordinates the treatment process, ensuring an individualized approach.

The main advantages of our clinic

Comprehensive approach
Comprehensive approach
Family medicine is, above all, a comprehensive approach to assessing human health.
Making the right decisions
Making the right decisions
The clinical decision-making system provides for timely correction of violations.
Emergency care
Emergency care
If necessary, there are operating rooms and a hospital that allow surgical treatment.
Medical equipment from leading manufacturers of medical equipment for examination and treatment.

Treatment of Diseases at the Family Clinic

Based on examination results, a family doctor diagnoses and prescribes appropriate treatment. At “New Life,” patients can seek help for various conditions, from ENT issues to surgical cases. Family medicine doctors collaborate with specialized doctors to align treatment plans.

In Ukraine, there is a growing trend to treat most illnesses on an outpatient basis, which is more cost-effective and efficient. Family medicine doctors help patients navigate their health status, coordinate all treatment stages, and act as guides in the healthcare system.

Consultation with a Family Doctor

To take timely care of your health, visit a family doctor. They will listen to your concerns and develop an individual examination and treatment program tailored to your age, lifestyle, and medical history. This approach helps address current issues and prevents future illnesses. Take a step toward quality medical care today and prioritize your health!

New Life
Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
Work experience: 19 years
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience: 14 years
Doctor Adetifa Opemipa Adetifa Opemipa
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience: 34 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

Была прооперирована в клинике Нью Лайф, по неотложке по поводу камней в желчном пузыре. Все началось довольно внезапно, сильные боли в правом подреберье, желтушность и т.д. Была мысль позвонить просто в скорую, но один знакомы посоветовал попробовать эту клинику, сказал, что там сам недавно оперировался по поводу грыжи, и остался очень доволен. Конечно я прислушалась к его совету, ведь здоровье дело серьёзное. И могу со всей ответственностью сказать, что все прошло очень хорошо. На мою заявку отреагировали практически сразу, провели предварительное обследование и затем прооперировали, к тому же дали ряд бесценных рекомендаций, что позволяет мне и сейчас чувствовать себя практически здоровой. В общем сейчас я у них постоянно наблюдаюсь у семейного врача и очень довольна.


Делал анализы на наличие аллергенов, исследования показали точные результаты, и я теперь знаю, с чем мне нежелательно контактировать. Также доволен тем, что сразу проконсультировал меня семейный доктор клиники и дал полезные рекомендации, очень удобно. Рекомендую.

31 год

Как в фильме упала, очнулась, гипс. После этого длительные месяцы реабилитации, но колено не слушалось. Периодически боли повторялись и опухало. Я какие только методы и традиционные, и народные не применяла, все снова повторялось. Недавно стала обслуживаться у семейного доктора в клинике Нью-Лайф, и обратилась естественно к нему за советом. Он предложило дополнительное обследование и посмотрел еще травматолог. Оказалось, что поврежден мениск после обследований. Провели удаление и сейчас уже все нормально, практически ничего не беспокоит.

60 лет
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