Dermatology and cosmetology at the New Life Clinic

Modern Dermatology and Cosmetology

A cosmetologist-dermatologist is a doctor whose expertise includes the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of skin diseases, and correction of cosmetic defects using minimally invasive or therapeutic methods. Dermatology and cosmetology today have expanded beyond the traditional stereotypes about skin diseases, including not only treatment but also cosmetic product selection, removal of small benign formations, and improvement of the overall aesthetic appearance of the skin.

In our medical center, high-quality diagnostic equipment allows for a quick and accurate diagnosis, and the doctors closely monitor all stages of the treatment process. Thus, the treatment is aimed at stabilizing the patient’s health as quickly as possible and achieving a positive result.

When to See a Doctor: Cosmetology and Dermatology

Changes in your body that require a visit to a dermatologist-venereologist for advice and consultation:

  • presence of rashes of various etiology
  • scars and blemishes, post-surgical skin changes
  • allergic skin diseases, chronic itching
  • sweating disorders
  • aesthetic skin problems
  • dandruff and nail lesions
  • hair loss and baldness
  • purulent-inflammatory and fungal processes on the skin
  • warts, papillomas, moles, and other skin growths

The skin is a very important organ of the human body, which, in addition to its protective and physiological functions, has significant aesthetic value. Cosmetology and dermatology are among the priority areas in providing outpatient care to patients at the “New Life” clinic.

Dermatology and Cosmetology Clinic: "New Life" Services

At the “New Life” clinic, you can undergo comprehensive diagnostics with the analysis of key indicators and markers of the most common skin diseases in a short period of time. For this purpose, the dermatology and cosmetology specialist performs a visual examination, and if necessary, dermatoscopy is done. Based on the results, the doctor establishes the diagnosis or decides on the need for additional consultation with other specialists. If necessary, additional tests may be taken to determine pathogenic microflora, histology, general blood analysis, biochemistry, and the measurement of other indicators.

If the patient has benign growths, they may be removed by laser or high-frequency radiation. These are modern non-invasive methods that allow for the removal of affected epidermal areas with minimal damage to surrounding healthy tissue. The therapy is carried out under anesthesia, with no wound or bleeding, and lasts no more than 20-30 minutes.
Patients are often interested in cosmetology and dermatology when dealing with aesthetic problems with the skin or its appendages (hair, nails).

Such complications may be related to changes after wound healing (scars and blemishes), metabolic disorders, or the deterioration of the skin due to the use of poor-quality cosmetics or intolerance to it. All of these issues can be addressed by a cosmetologist-dermatologist, who in the overwhelming majority of cases will successfully correct the condition and achieve a positive outcome.

Modern principles of patient counseling and management
Doctor: David Noga

Treatment of Diseases: Dermatology and Cosmetology

Based on the examination results, laboratory, and instrumental research data, the dermatologist-cosmetologist will make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.
Allergic diseases are systemic processes that often manifest as skin symptoms such as itching, rashes, swelling, and redness. The “New Life” dermatology and cosmetology clinic offers a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and treating these conditions.
To treat this pathology, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the cause of the disorders. For this purpose:

  • the patient’s medical history is studied
  • laboratory tests are conducted
  • specific tests may be performed

Then, therapy is prescribed, which may include the use of topical ointments, hypersensitizing and antihistamine medications, a diet, and restrictions on the use of substances that caused the allergy.

Skin Neoplasms: Dermatology and Cosmetology Clinic "New Life"

The skin is most often exposed to environmental factors compared to other organs. As a result of such exposure and genetic disorders, atypical cells may form, which, dividing and spreading, create tumors. These pathologies can have malignant progression with rapid growth and metastasis to other tissues, or they can be benign. The doctor at the “New Life” clinic in dermatology and cosmetology determines the nature of the disease during the examination and provides treatment recommendations. In the case of warts or papillomas, the doctor can remove them independently.

The main advantages of our clinic

The examination is performed using modern equipment.
Experts with extensive experience and work experience.
Many diseases can be cured with minimally invasive surgical interventions.
Modern equipment and highly qualified doctors allow us to find solutions even in complex cases.

Purulent Inflammatory Processes in the Skin: Cosmetology and Dermatology

The skin is very sensitive to external and internal factors. Often, the development of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microflora can lead to pustular lesions and rashes. These manifestations are even more common in cases of hormonal changes and reduced immunity, which is often seen in adolescence. This condition worries patients both in terms of health and their appearance. Therefore, dermatology and cosmetology play a key role in solving such problems. Typically, the condition runs chronically, with periodic relapses and flare-ups. In such cases, the dermatologist identifies the microflora responsible for the lesions, its resistance to antibiotics, and prescribes appropriate treatment in the form of topical agents and physiotherapy methods.

New Life
Doctor Olga Bakurova Olga Bakurova
Work experience (years): 32
Doctor Yulia Govoruha Yulia Govoruha
Work experience (years): 11
Doctor Andrey Semchuk Andrey Semchuk
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience (years): 39
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

После ожога на руках беспокоил рубец. Я обратилась к врачу в Нью Лайф, так как живу недалеко от клиники, мне назначили лечение и сказали, что надо понаблюдать. Очень понравилось отношение доктора и всего персонала. Все анализы делают сразу и не надо мыкаться по очередям. Мне все понравилось, обращайтесь, не бойтесь, здесь работают лучшие специалисты в Киеве.

46 лет

У меня появились бородавки на коже рук. Я попыталась сама удалять, но ничего хорошего из этого не вышло. Казалось, что их стало больше. Пошла к дерматологу, он мне назначил день, когда можно прийти и удалить специальным устройством. Все безболезненно и достаточно быстро. Надеюсь, что я справилась с проблемой. Спасибо доктору из Нью Лайф.

30 лет

Беспокоили угревые высыпания, которые оставляли после себя глубокие следы. Спасения от них практически не было, перепробовал весь арсенал парфюмерной промышленности, но толком ничего не помогало. И только после посещения доктора дерматолога, и применения его назначений пришло все в норму. Я даже удивлен, что так быстро можно справиться с проблемой.

18 лет
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