Gastroenterology at the New Life Clinic

A gastroenterologist is a doctor who is involved in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the scutulo-intestinal tract, as well as the liver, gallbladder and subcutaneous tissue. The New Life clinic welcomes the best gastroenterologists in Kiev: doctors of the highest category, candidates of medical sciences, authors of scientific articles, active participants in international meetings and conferences.

Gastroenterology in Kyiv: Symptoms That Require a Doctor’s Visit

How often do you consult a doctor when experiencing abdominal pain? Unfortunately, most people seek medical help only in extreme cases. Pain can have various causes—fatigue, constant stress, poor diet. However, the possibility of serious pathology should not be excluded. Some conditions require urgent medical attention, while others progress silently, becoming chronic. Gastroenterological clinics in Kyiv can help address gastrointestinal (GI) issues such as dysbacteriosis, ulcers, erosions, bleeding, and more, allowing patients to lead normal lives.

Consult a gastroenterologist if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Digestive disorders, diarrhea, constipation;
  • Poor appetite;
  • Bloating and flatulence;
  • An unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth;
  • Heartburn, nausea;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Frequent burping.

Don’t delay scheduling an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Acute conditions, such as stomach ulcers, require immediate treatment to avoid severe consequences.

Modern Treatment: Gastroenterology

The gastroenterologist services at the “New Life” medical center include examinations using advanced methods and technologies:

  • Gastroduodenoscopy;
  • Colonoscopy;
  • Abdominal ultrasound;
  • Liver biopsy;
  • X-ray with contrast;
  • Laboratory tests and analyses.

For intestinal, duodenal issues, stomach diagnostics, and dyspepsia, our gastroenterology center recommends comprehensive measures for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Consultation and treatment for gastroenterological pathology
Doctor: David Noga

Complete GI Diagnostics: Gastroenterology Clinic in Kyiv

To schedule a consultation or examination with a gastroenterologist in Kyiv, simply fill out the application form on our “New Life” medical center website or contact the administrator by phone. If additional tests are required, the doctor will develop a detailed plan of consultations and examinations tailored to the patient’s schedule. Appointments are by prior booking only, eliminating queues and long waiting times.

Take some time for yourself and visit a doctor for preventive care. Remember, even minor GI discomfort is a reason to promptly consult a gastroenterologist and undergo a comprehensive examination.

Gastroenterological Clinics in Kyiv and Advanced Diagnostic Methods

Gastroenterology is not only about treating diseases but also about comprehensive diagnostics with the latest technologies for accurately identifying digestive problems. In recent years, the technologies used in Kyiv’s gastroenterological clinics have significantly improved:

  • Flexible endoscopes—enable more precise and comfortable gastroscopy and colonoscopy while minimizing patient discomfort;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics—allow non-invasive examination of abdominal organs (liver, gallbladder, pancreas);
  • Microbiological research—helps detect hidden infections that may affect GI health;
  • Biopsy—accurately diagnoses tumors, inflammations, and other pathologies.

Diagnostics in gastroenterology not only identify diseases at an early stage but also help design personalized treatments for quick and effective recovery.

Preventing GI Diseases: Gastroenterology

GI diseases often develop due to an unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, and lack of preventive measures. Proper nutrition and regular check-ups with a gastroenterologist can help:

  • Reduce the risk of gastritis, ulcers, and other GI diseases;
  • Prevent exacerbation of chronic conditions such as pancreatitis or ulcers;
  • Maintain healthy bowel function and avoid constipation or diarrhea;
  • Preserve gut microbiota balance and prevent dysbacteriosis.

Regular physical activity, quitting smoking and alcohol, and maintaining a proper sleep schedule can significantly lower the risk of GI diseases. If you already have symptoms like heartburn, abdominal pain, or digestive issues, do not delay your doctor’s visit. A gastroenterologist will conduct an examination, help prevent diseases, and maintain optimal health.

The main advantages of our clinic

Experienced doctors with extensive experience in their specialty.
Modern endoscopic equipment, MRI and CT allow you to quickly clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.
The possibility of consultation with specialists from leading foreign clinics in the USA and Europe.
Sustainability between clinic specialists and, if necessary, consultation with related specialists.

New Life Gastroenterology Clinic: Why Choose Us

The New Life Gastroenterology Clinic in Kyiv is a medical center where your GI problems are addressed at the highest level. Our key advantages:

  • Comprehensive diagnostics and modern treatment methods to manage diseases at any stage;
  • Cutting-edge technologies and painless diagnostic methods that minimize stress and discomfort during procedures;
  • Highly experienced doctors who continuously enhance their qualifications to provide accurate and effective solutions to gastroenterological issues;
  • Convenient appointment booking via the website, a well-located clinic, and no queues make visits simple and quick;
  • You will be examined by the best gastroenterologist in Kyiv, and our service prices will pleasantly surprise you.

Don’t postpone your health—schedule a consultation with a gastroenterologist at the “New Life” clinic today and start taking care of your GI health.

New Life
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience (years): 39
Doctor Pavlo Luzan Pavlo Luzan
Work experience (years): 38
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience (years): 20
Doctor Serhiy Usachov Serhiy Usachov
Proctologist, Ph.D.
Work experience (years): 25
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

Делала гастроскопию в клинике Нью-Лайф. Все очень хорошо. С другими клиниками не сравнить, сразу чувствуется, что врач очень опытный. Мне гастроскопию приходится периодически повторять, теперь точно буду только в этой клинике делать.

33 года

Уже давно думала найти себе хорошого гастроэнтеролога, чтобы мог качественно проконсультировать и дать толковые рекомендации, а то кишечник шалить в последнее время стал не на шутку, а тут еще и нервы на работе постоянные. В общем обратилась я в Нью Лайф, и осталась очень довольно. Мне кроме углубленного обследования дали еще и рекомендации, которые на удивление очень быстро дали положительный результат. Рекомендую.

33 года

Мучилась щоосені та весни зі шлунком, але все не було часу на обстеження. Нарешті нещодавно дійшла до лікаря та проконсультувалася. Тепер хоч знаю, що в мене і як із цим боротися. Лікарі хороші та обслуговування теж на високому рівні, мене все влаштувало.

48 лет

Люди не доводьте себе до хвороби. Краще займайтеся профілактикою та заздалегідь попереджайте всі хвороби, лікування набагато дорожче. Я тому вже десять років відвідую лікаря гастроентеролога, який мене оглядає та стежить за моїм станом. У Нью-Лайфі це налагоджено дуже добре, так що звертайтеся і вам все розкажуть і допоможуть.

38 лет

Делала гастроскопию в клинике Нью Лайф. Данное исследование делаю уже не в первый раз и могу точно сказать, что из всех вариантов здесь делают лучше всего. Если кому-то надо сделать обследование и еще получить действительно стоящие рекомендации, обращайтесь в Нью Лайф.

26 лет

Делали эндоскопию в Нью Лайф. Скажу честно, сильно переживал перед процедурой, но все оказалось намного легче. Очень тонкая трубочка, которую я только слегка чувствовал. Также помогла уверенность врача, который быстро обследовал и выдал заключение. Респект.

42 года
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