Consultation of a gastroenterologist

Modern Diagnostics with a Gastroenterologist

The primary task of a gastroenterologist is the accurate diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases. At our clinic, the gastroenterologist performs examinations and prescribes additional studies to evaluate the condition of the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas.

You can consult a gastroenterologist for the diagnosis of conditions such as:

  • Gastritis, stomach ulcers, or duodenal ulcers.
  • Liver and gallbladder diseases.
  • Intestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Pancreatitis and other pancreatic pathologies.

Diagnostics include methods such as ultrasound, endoscopy, and laboratory tests. This allows the doctor to gain a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s condition and prescribe the most effective treatment.

Private Gastroenterologist: Benefits of Paid Services

A consultation with a digestive health specialist is an important step in the timely detection and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. At our clinic, you can receive a professional paid appointment with a gastroenterologist, which includes an examination, diagnostics, and the development of an individualized treatment plan.

What distinguishes a paid consultation? First and foremost, it offers:

  • the ability to book an appointment promptly;
  • modern diagnostic and treatment methods;
  • an individual approach to each patient;
  • comfortable conditions in the gastroenterologist’s office.

The cost of a gastroenterologist consultation depends on the range of services provided, such as diagnostics, tests, or additional studies. We offer the optimal balance between cost and quality of medical care to ensure that every patient can receive timely and qualified help.

What Is Included in a Gastroenterologist Consultation in Kyiv

A consultation with a gastroenterologist is a professional examination aimed at identifying abnormalities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The specialist focuses on painful sensations and discomfort in the abdominal area, as well as the condition of the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.

During the consultation, the gastroenterologist assesses:

  • abdominal wall tension;
  • the presence of painful points during palpation;
  • enlargement or displacement of the lower liver boundary;
  • increased peristalsis;
  • signs of peritoneal irritation.

Based on the examination results, a plan for additional diagnostics is created, which may include methods such as endoscopic examination, ultrasound, and dietary recommendations. The specialist also develops a treatment strategy tailored to the patient’s condition and individual needs.

Consultation and treatment for gastroenterological pathology
Doctor: David Noga

Stages of Consultation and Treatment with a Gastroenterologist

A visit to a gastroenterologist is a step toward the health of your digestive system. Regular check-ups and timely treatment can help prevent serious diseases and maintain overall well-being. The specialists at the "New Life" clinic apply modern approaches and provide professional care at every stage:

Initial consultation

An experienced gastroenterologist conducts an examination, analyzes the patient's complaints, determines a preliminary diagnosis, and develops a plan for further diagnostics and treatment.

Main treatment course

Treatment is conducted based on examination data, instrumental studies, and test results. Repeat consultations may be scheduled to adjust the therapy if necessary.

Maintenance therapy

To consolidate treatment results, supportive measures are prescribed to help maintain the positive outcome.


The gastroenterologist develops preventive programs and anti-relapse measures to avoid exacerbations and improve quality of life.

How to Schedule an Appointment with a Gastroenterologist

If you need a gastroenterologist, the “New Life” clinic offers the opportunity to book an appointment quickly and conveniently. You can either call us or use the online booking feature on our website.

Why is it important to schedule a visit to a gastroenterologist in a timely manner? Gastrointestinal diseases can develop without symptoms for a long time, and treatment becomes more complicated and prolonged at later stages. At the first signs of discomfort, such as abdominal pain, digestive disturbances, or a feeling of heaviness, consulting a doctor can help prevent complications.

The cost of gastroenterologist services depends on the selected service package. We offer transparent pricing and professional care. Book a gastroenterologist appointment today to start your journey to health and comfort!

The main advantages of our clinic

Experienced doctors with extensive experience in their specialty.
Modern endoscopic equipment, MRI and CT allow you to quickly clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.
The possibility of consultation with specialists from leading foreign clinics in the USA and Europe.
Sustainability between clinic specialists and, if necessary, consultation with related specialists.

How a Gastroenterologist Works at the New Life Clinic

The gastroenterology department at the New Life Clinic combines professionalism, innovative diagnostic methods, and an individual approach to each patient.

  • Our gastroenterologists are medical doctors, candidates of medical sciences, and top-tier specialists with extensive experience.
  • Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art devices for conducting gastroenterological examinations.
  • During the consultation, the gastroenterologist considers the patient’s health status, analyzes current complaints, and examination results, and, if necessary, prescribes additional studies.
  • In complex or non-standard cases, you can receive opinions from leading specialists from the USA and Europe in real-time, enhancing the accuracy of diagnostics and treatment efficacy.
  • The consultation with a gastroenterologist is conducted in a comfortable atmosphere without waiting in queues.
  • We offer premium-quality services at a fair price, making treatment not only effective but also affordable.

An appointment with a gastroenterologist at the New Life Clinic ensures confidence in your health and professional support at every stage of treatment. Book your appointment today to maintain your digestive health.

New Life
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience: 34 years
Doctor Pavlo Luzan Pavlo Luzan
Work experience: 27 years
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience: 14 years
Doctor Serhiy Usachov Serhiy Usachov
Proctologist, Ph.D.
Work experience: 20 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

Делала гастроскопию в клинике Нью-Лайф. Все очень хорошо. С другими клиниками не сравнить, сразу чувствуется, что врач очень опытный. Мне гастроскопию приходится периодически повторять, теперь точно буду только в этой клинике делать.

33 года

Уже давно думала найти себе хорошого гастроэнтеролога, чтобы мог качественно проконсультировать и дать толковые рекомендации, а то кишечник шалить в последнее время стал не на шутку, а тут еще и нервы на работе постоянные. В общем обратилась я в Нью Лайф, и осталась очень довольно. Мне кроме углубленного обследования дали еще и рекомендации, которые на удивление очень быстро дали положительный результат. Рекомендую.

33 года

Мучилась щоосені та весни зі шлунком, але все не було часу на обстеження. Нарешті нещодавно дійшла до лікаря та проконсультувалася. Тепер хоч знаю, що в мене і як із цим боротися. Лікарі хороші та обслуговування теж на високому рівні, мене все влаштувало.

48 лет

Люди не доводьте себе до хвороби. Краще займайтеся профілактикою та заздалегідь попереджайте всі хвороби, лікування набагато дорожче. Я тому вже десять років відвідую лікаря гастроентеролога, який мене оглядає та стежить за моїм станом. У Нью-Лайфі це налагоджено дуже добре, так що звертайтеся і вам все розкажуть і допоможуть.

38 лет

Делала гастроскопию в клинике Нью Лайф. Данное исследование делаю уже не в первый раз и могу точно сказать, что из всех вариантов здесь делают лучше всего. Если кому-то надо сделать обследование и еще получить действительно стоящие рекомендации, обращайтесь в Нью Лайф.

26 лет

Делали эндоскопию в Нью Лайф. Скажу честно, сильно переживал перед процедурой, но все оказалось намного легче. Очень тонкая трубочка, которую я только слегка чувствовал. Также помогла уверенность врача, который быстро обследовал и выдал заключение. Респект.

42 года
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