Dental implantation in Kyiv

Dental Implantation: Procedure Features

Modern dentistry offers practical and effective methods for restoring the dental arch, unified under the general field of prosthetics. One of the most effective, long-lasting, and reliable ways to restore a beautiful smile is dental implantation. Thanks to its uniqueness and innovative prosthesis fixation method, this approach is gaining more recognition among dentists and their patients. It can restore the aesthetics of the smile, improve diction, the functionality of the oral cavity, and boost self-confidence for many years.

The principle of this method is based on establishing a reliable, long-lasting foundation, which is represented by durable dental implants that are resistant to external influences. These implants are embedded into the bone tissue, and after fully integrating with it, a microprosthesis, crown, or bridgework orthodontic structure is placed on top.

The entire procedure is carried out by our prosthetists, and our clinic, “New Life,” provides all the necessary conditions for a painless, complication-free implantation process with minimal waiting for results.

When Is Dental Implantation Necessary: Indications

Previously, such procedures were performed mainly for older patients who, due to age-related factors, lost several teeth. However, today even young people who want to improve the aesthetics of their smile turn to this method. This is one of the most common reasons for visiting the prosthetics specialists at our dental clinic “New Life.” Additionally, dental implantation is performed under the following indications:

  • Replacement of outdated dental bridges;
  • Preservation of adjacent teeth after trauma;
  • Replacement of removable dentures;
  • Tooth loss due to caries or periodontitis.

Partial or complete edentulism has caused insecurity for many of our patients. But we are ready, with full professionalism and responsibility, to restore the joy of communication, the ability to smile widely, and speak clearly.

Dental Implants: Price and Procedure Order

Simply desiring dental implants is not enough. Our doctors strictly follow the procedure guidelines, which ensures that complications arise in only a minimal number of cases. Before performing dental implantation, we conduct several additional examinations:

  • X-ray
  • Computer tomography

Based on the results of these tests, specialists create a 3D model of the skull, study the obtained image, and select the materials that best suit the findings.

Dental implantology allows the placement of prosthetics even in cases where several teeth are completely missing. These elements are fixed and precisely reproduce the functions of natural teeth. Unlike bridges and crowns, dental implants maintain their strength and functionality throughout the patient’s life, preserving their shape and helping prevent bone tissue loss.

Dental implantation at the “New Life” clinic offers affordable prices and high-quality work. After the procedure, facial expressions remain unchanged, and the contours of the mouth area do not alter. No gaps remain between the gums and implants, where food residue might accumulate, and the implants do not restrict chewing.

Modern principles of patient counseling and management
Doctor: David Noga

Full Dental Implantation: Contraindications and Possible Complications

Before implantation, the dentist conducts full oral treatment, including addressing issues like caries and removing remnants of the dental arch. The next step involves placing dental implants in the root areas. After the implants integrate with the bone, non-removable crowns and ceramic bridges are attached to the metal rods. Typically, 2-3 visits are required to complete the full replacement of natural teeth with artificial elements.

The procedure has minimal limitations for execution. The main contraindications for surgery include:

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Post-stroke or post-heart attack recovery
  3. Acute respiratory viral infections

Dental implantation is also not performed during the acute stages of chronic diseases.

Thanks to the use of modern materials and techniques, the procedure has virtually no complications. Possible side effects include tissue inflammation due to failure to follow oral hygiene after the procedure or implant rejection (a rare occurrence since modern materials are biocompatible and do not cause adverse reactions).

The main advantages of our clinic

The examination is carried out using modern equipment.
Specialists with extensive experience and work experience.
Many diseases can be cured with minimally invasive surgical procedures.
Modern equipment and highly qualified doctors allow us to find solutions even in complex cases.

Why Dental Implants Have Gained Popularity

Implantation is a new direction in dentistry that has significantly advanced the level of dental care in Ukraine. The placement of ceramic products in the oral cavity allows people who have lost teeth either partially or completely to return to a normal life filled with flavor and smiles. New teeth, just like natural ones, can be brushed, whitened, and do not require special maintenance. This is a convenient and practical solution for addressing the most complex dental issues. Find out the prices for dental implantation by contacting us via phone.

We will provide comprehensive answers to any questions regarding the prosthetic procedure, offer various types of prosthetics and pins, and create an individual schedule for examination and treatment.

Prices for Dental Implantation in Kyiv at the "New Life" Center

The doctors working at our “New Life” dental center are happy to demonstrate their professionalism for the benefit of patients. To ensure your comfort, we offer various methods of anesthesia, sedation, local anesthesia, and general anesthesia. All procedures are performed in a sterile environment, using certified materials and tools for maximum safety and reliability.

All these advantages are available at our “New Life” center at reasonable prices with no unnecessary markups. Prices for dental implantation are calculated individually, depending on the degree of damage, the number of teeth needing treatment, and other factors. We look forward to your inquiries and are always ready to assist you with the installation of the highest quality dental implants.

New Life
Doctor Rodion Fedorishin Rodion Fedorishin
Urologist, Ph.D.
Work experience: 25 years
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience: 34 years
Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
Work experience: 19 years
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience: 14 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

Что можно сказать про клинику «Нью Лайф». Все услуги у них на самом высоком уровне. Я чаще всего прибегаю к услугам стоматолога. Всегда лечусь только там, врачи не только механически лечат, но еще обязательно проводят беседы, о коррекции образа жизни и необходимости профилактических мероприятий. Я часто пользуюсь их советами.

36 лет

Знаю эту стоматологию с 1997 г., когда они только открылись. С тех времен постоянный клиент. Сейчас они конечно оказывают намного больше различных услуг. Но стоматология у них как была, так и остается на очень высоком уровне. Никогда не подведут – рекомендую.

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Ставила коронку в Клинике Нью Лайф. Все устроила и по качеству услуг и доступности цен. Рекомендую всем.

42 года

Всем привет! Пользовался услугами стоматологи в медицинской клинике Нью Лайф. Мне удаляли зубы мудрости. Хоть я и не могу похвастаться приятными ощущениями во время данной процедуры, но врач оказался профессионалом с большой буквы! Доктор делал минимум лишний движений и максимум работал на качественный и быстрый результат. С одним зубом у меня были особые проблемы. Корень сидел слишком глубоко и было проблематично его вырвать, по этому немного повозились над ним. Но в результате все прошло на высшем уровне. Если в дальнейшем будут проблемы с зубами и полостью рта, скорее всего первым делом меня посетит мысль обратиться в клинику Нью Лайф! Всем не болеть)

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