In today’s world, many men begin to experience the effects of prostate adenoma and its consequences as early as 45–50 years old. This condition is non-infectious but no less dangerous or challenging, especially due to discomfort and pain.
Prostate adenoma is the pathological growth of connective or glandular tissue of the prostate gland. In many cases, both types of tissues are affected, forming localized nodular shapes or extensive lesions.
This disease is most common in men over 40 years old when clinical symptoms start to appear. Approximately 10% of patients in this age group are diagnosed for the first time. By the age of 60–65, the percentage of men affected by the condition reaches 85–90%. However, the disease can already exist in younger years without clinical manifestations.
Such statistics emphasize the importance of regular examinations, which can be performed by qualified urologists at the “New Life” clinic. Here, both clinical and laboratory or hardware diagnostics are available.