Adenoma of the prostate

Prostate Adenoma is Not a Verdict: Treatment at the "New Life" Clinic

In today’s world, many men begin to experience the effects of prostate adenoma and its consequences as early as 45–50 years old. This condition is non-infectious but no less dangerous or challenging, especially due to discomfort and pain.

Prostate adenoma is the pathological growth of connective or glandular tissue of the prostate gland. In many cases, both types of tissues are affected, forming localized nodular shapes or extensive lesions.

This disease is most common in men over 40 years old when clinical symptoms start to appear. Approximately 10% of patients in this age group are diagnosed for the first time. By the age of 60–65, the percentage of men affected by the condition reaches 85–90%. However, the disease can already exist in younger years without clinical manifestations.

Such statistics emphasize the importance of regular examinations, which can be performed by qualified urologists at the “New Life” clinic. Here, both clinical and laboratory or hardware diagnostics are available.

Causes of Prostate Adenoma

This condition is primarily age-related, with factors such as tissue aging and hormonal changes playing a key role. Other causes include:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Autoimmune disorders.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Chronic pelvic conditions.
  • Pelvic organ injuries.
  • Frequent exposure to cold.

Certain pre-existing conditions also contribute to the likelihood of developing prostate adenoma, such as:

  • Diabetes.
  • Stroke.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Ureaplasmosis.
  • Circulatory system diseases.

Provoking factors include smoking, low physical activity, alcohol consumption, and obesity.

Diagnosis: Differences Between Adenoma and Prostatitis

The condition is characterized by symptoms related to urination—difficulty, incompleteness, or increased frequency. Mucus, flakes, or blood may be present in the urine. To accurately diagnose and differentiate between adenoma, prostatitis, or another condition, the following examinations are conducted:

  • Urological examination.
  • Prostatic fluid analysis.
  • X-ray of the urinary tract.
  • Contrast-enhanced tomography.
  • Tissue smear from the urethra.

Cytological, morphological, and bacteriological analyses are also performed.

Surgical treatment
Doctor: David Noga

Consequences of Prostate Adenoma and Risks

Prostate tissue growth is noted when its volume exceeds the norm of 28–30 mm³. As the disease progresses, the organ can enlarge to 70 mm³, leading to various issues:

  • Increased pressure on the bladder.
  • A feeling of incomplete emptying.
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Formation of benign tumors.
  • Development of urolithiasis.
  • Conditions conducive to pathogenic microbe activity.

Due to urinary difficulties, secondary diseases often develop, most commonly in the kidneys. Kidney failure, cystitis, hydronephrosis, and pyelonephritis may occur.

Cost of Prostate Adenoma Surgery in Kyiv

The consequences of prostate adenoma are reason enough to begin treatment promptly. Treatment may involve medication, physiotherapy, or surgery, depending on the form of the disease. The “New Life” clinic also offers hardware methods that shorten treatment times and ensure a high recovery rate.

The cost of surgery depends on the chosen method and the form of the disease:

  • Acute form.
  • Chronic form.

The disease progresses through three stages, each differing in symptoms, progression speed, and the degree of gland involvement:

  1. Stage one: minor tissue growth and slight difficulty urinating.
  2. Stage two: muscle atrophy, a feeling of incomplete emptying, pain, and frequent urges.
  3. Stage three: impaired kidney function, bladder weakness, and either urinary incontinence or retention.

The doctors at the “New Life” clinic recommend starting treatment at the first stage, using modern equipment and effective therapy methods.

The main advantages of our clinic

A comprehensive examination of the genitourinary organs is performed.
The clinical decision-making system involves choosing an adequate treatment.
Many diseases can be cured with minimally invasive interventions and procedures.
Modern equipment and high-quality visualization are necessary for diagnosis and implementation of innovative treatment.

Treatment Conditions at the "New Life" Clinic

At the “New Life” clinic, patients can undergo all necessary examinations and receive treatment recommendations:

  • Medication therapy using inhibitors, hormonal agents, antibiotics, and amino acid complexes.
  • Physiotherapy and hardware-based treatments, including laser enucleation of prostate adenoma.

For second and third stages, surgical treatment is performed, involving the removal of the gland or its parts with pathological tissue growth. The procedure is quick, painless, and free of side effects.

New Life
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience: 34 years
Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
Work experience: 19 years
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience: 14 years
Doctor Rodion Fedorishin Rodion Fedorishin
Urologist, Ph.D.
Work experience: 25 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

У меня до взросления вообще никаких проблем не было, но потом все хуже и хуже становилось. Понял, что без доктора не обойтись вот и обратился в Нью Лайф. Доктор сказал, что в моем случае показана операцию, которую очень скоро он и сделал. Сейчас все хорошо.

25 лет

Всем здравствуйте, наконец дошли руки написать отзыв. Очень благодарна врачам клиники за отношение и качественное лечение. Долго определялась, но сейчас понимаю, что сделала правильный выбор и оказалась в надежных руках. Лечение дало положительный результат, и я вновь ощутила, что значит быть человеком и жить нормальной жизнью. Спасибо Вам большое за это.

43 года

Несколько дней беспокоили зуд и жжение в промежности, затем появились частые позывы на мочеиспускание, и дальше становилось все хуже. Не знаю, чтобы я делала, если бы подруга не завезла меня в клинику Нью Лайф, где мне очень быстро сделали все необходимые обследования, и назначили лечение. Я очень довольна сервисом и отличными результатами.

32 года

З’явилися проблеми з простатою, я думав не звертатися до лікарів, але щось дуже притиснуло, і доводилося з себе буквально видавлювати. Природно, рідні звернули увагу, що зі мною щось не так і завезли до лікаря уролога. Після обстеження було прийнято рішення зробити операцію. Зараз все чудово. Дякуємо лікарям Нью Лайфа за якісно випалену роботу.

65 років

Лечил воспаление мочевого пузыря в клинике Нью Лайф. Все успешно, кроме того обслуживание на высоком уровне, все корректно и доброжелательно. Сразу чувствуются серъезность подхода к своим клиентам. Рекомендую.

33 года

Лечилась в клинике Нью Лайф по поводу каменей в почках. Это единственная клиника, где делают такое лечение. Но еще скажу, что там очень хорошие консультации по урологии, я только сейчас поняла, что мне надо делать, чтобы камни в почках повторно не образовывались, раньше никто не разъяснял.

45 лет
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