Checkup by a gynecologist at the New Life Clinic

An annual preventive gynecological checkup of the pelvic organs is an important step in caring for the health of every woman. Unfortunately, many diseases, such as mastopathy, fibroadenomas, erosion, endometriosis, have become very “younger” in recent years, and if you should not be afraid of their manifestations at a young age, now the threat of acquiring the disease is even in young girls.

Checkup by a gynecologist: with concern for women's health

An annual checkup by a gynecologist will help to avoid problems with the reproductive system. The reason for making an earlier visit to the doctor may be the manifestation of symptoms of the disease – malaise, menstrual cycle disorders, pain during menstruation, abundant secretions, inflammatory processes, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, etc. able to find solutions to even the most difficult tasks. Make an appointment with a gynecologist at Newlifeclinic – the medical center is staffed by the best specialists who are able to find solutions to even the most difficult problems.

Preventive checkup: how is the visit to the gynecologist

A planned full checkup by a gynecologist includes several stages:

A conversation with a doctor, during which the specialist learns information about the regularity and peculiarities of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, sexual life, diseases or their symptoms. Checkupof the mammary glands is carried out in order to detect neoplasms and tumors, changes in the structure of the glandular tissue. In some cases, as an additional diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a visit to a mammologist, a mammogram, and tests.

A checkup on a gynecological chair provides an opportunity to check the condition of the walls of the vagina and cervix. Palpation through the abdominal wall and vagina will allow to check the state of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes. If suspicions of a disease or pathology are detected, the specialist will prescribe additional studies (ultrasound, tests, consultations of specialized doctors).

Compilation of tests, including determination of blood group and rhesus, coagulogram, presence of infections, as well as cytology test. The scraping is taken from the surface of the cervix and is a painless procedure. Also among the mandatory tests is an analysis of the urethra, cervical canal and posterior vault of the vagina.

Why is it necessary to detect the disease in the early stages?

If necessary, a gynecologist can prescribe such tests as a smear for flora, bacterial culture, analysis for papillomavirus and hormones, etc. General blood and urine tests are also relevant.

During a preventive checkup, a gynecologist may detect various diseases of the female organs. Treatment, in this case, will require much less time, money and effort. Unfortunately, advanced cases of the disease in most cases end with operations and a long recovery.

Our clinic invites women to a gynecologist checkup, offering the most comfortable conditions – reasonable prices, no need to purchase additional checkup sets and accessories, appointment by appointment. Consultations and inspections are carried out by qualified specialists.

The main advantages of our clinic

The examination is carried out on modern equipment
Specialists with extensive work experience
Many diseases can be cured with the help of minimally invasive surgical interventions
Modern equipment and high qualification of doctors make it possible to find solutions even in difficult cases
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    New Life
    Doctor Yulia Govoruha Yulia Govoruha
    Work experience: 8 years
    Doctor Volodymyr Rudyuk Volodymyr Rudyuk
    Work experience: 14 years
    Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
    Work experience: 19 years
    Doctor Lyudmila Shpura Lyudmila Shpura
    Work experience: 10 years