Hemorrhoids treatment at the New Life Clinic

Hemorrhoids are a condition of the rectum associated with the varicose enlargement of hemorrhoidal veins. As the venous nodes enlarge, they protrude into the intestinal lumen, causing irritation of the mucous membrane and injury. At early stages, conservative treatment is possible, while later stages require surgical methods or invasive procedures. The choice of treatment depends on the location and severity of the clinical changes.

When to Consider Hemorrhoid Treatment in Kyiv

Despite being a common condition affecting millions, many people ignore the early symptoms, resort to self-treatment, or endure discomfort. To avoid seeking help during stage 4 hemorrhoids, when recovery becomes more challenging, pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Pain. Sharp or aching pain, especially during bowel movements, could indicate inflamed nodes.
  • Itching. Persistent itching in the anal area disrupts quality of life and signals tissue irritation.
  • Bleeding. Bright red blood in the stool or on toilet paper is a concerning sign of vascular damage.
  • A foreign body sensation. A feeling of heaviness or the presence of something unusual in the rectal area indicates enlarged or prolapsed hemorrhoidal nodes.

If you notice any of these warning signs, do not delay consulting a doctor. Only professional diagnostics can determine the stage of the condition and help choose the right treatment protocol. Timely measures can prevent complications and restore a pain-free, comfortable life.

Consultation and treatment for proctological pathology
Doctor: Sergey Usachov

Main Approaches to Hemorrhoid Treatment

Treatment is tailored individually, depending on the stage, type (internal or external), symptom severity, and overall patient condition. Modern medicine offers three main approaches to effectively manage this condition.

Conservative Treatment:

  1. Medications, such as analgesics, phlebotonics, and anti-inflammatory drugs, alleviate symptoms and reduce inflammation.
  2. Diet modifications, including fiber-rich foods and increased water intake, prevent constipation.
  3. Regular bowel habits are maintained through physical activity and proper nutrition.

Minimally Invasive Methods:

  1. Rubber band ligation offers a painless solution for internal hemorrhoids.
  2. Sclerotherapy is a quick method requiring no incisions or hospitalization.
  3. Photocoagulation is a painless and safe procedure with a short recovery time.

Surgical Treatment Options:

  1. Classical hemorrhoidectomy is used for advanced stages.
  2. The Longo method is a modern approach with minimal trauma and quick recovery.
  3. Laser surgery minimizes blood loss and accelerates rehabilitation.

The treatment choice depends on the severity of the condition and the specialist’s recommendations. A comprehensive approach, combining professional medical care and lifestyle changes, ensures lasting improvement and reduces the risk of recurrence.

Stages of Hemorrhoid Treatment

At the international medical clinic “New Life,” hemorrhoid treatment is performed according to all modern medical standards:


A proctologist conducts an examination to determine indications for intervention and choose treatment methods.


Innovative techniques are employed, offering minimal tissue damage and rapid recovery.


During the recovery period, hospitalization and medical supervision may be required. Rehabilitation and follow-up care by a proctologist are provided as needed.

The main advantages of our clinic

The technical potential of the clinic allows for complex and multi-stage research.
A high-quality result allows you to make the right clinical decisions.
We cooperate only with proven manufacturers and use only the best materials.
Support and consultation in case of changes in research results.

How to Recover Properly After Hemorrhoid Removal in Kyiv

Whether you had stage 1 or stage 4 hemorrhoids, postoperative recovery requires patience and adherence to medical advice. During the initial days, maintain bed rest and avoid excessive activity. Use prescribed pain relievers and topical treatments (suppositories, ointments) to manage pain.

  • Maintain regular bowel movements using mild laxatives or dietary adjustments to prevent constipation.
  • Gradually increase physical activity, starting with short walks.
  • Ensure proper hygiene after every bowel movement. Wash with warm water, avoiding harsh soaps. Use soft wipes or washing instead of toilet paper. Change sterile dressings (if recommended) and monitor skin condition.
  • At the first signs of inflammation or discomfort (redness, swelling), contact your doctor immediately.
  • Avoid prolonged sitting by using an orthopedic cushion to relieve pressure.

The cost of hemorrhoid removal surgery is one of the most affordable. The sooner you seek help, the easier and quicker the recovery will be.

Your First Step to a Pain-Free Life: Trust the Professionals at the Hemorrhoid Treatment Center

Timely hemorrhoid treatment is an opportunity to prevent complications and improve your quality of life. The earlier you consult a doctor, the lower the risk of prolonged and complicated recovery.

Our clinic brings together a team of experienced specialists who care for every patient. We use state-of-the-art equipment and advanced therapy methods to ensure safety and effectiveness. Each case is reviewed individually to offer the most comfortable and effective solution.

Don’t delay caring for your health. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step toward a pain-free and comfortable life. We are here to help you regain confidence in your future.

New Life
Doctor Serhiy Usachov Serhiy Usachov
Proctologist, Ph.D.
Work experience: 20 years
Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
Work experience: 19 years
Doctor Pavlo Luzan Pavlo Luzan
Work experience: 27 years
Doctor Volodymyr Rudyuk Volodymyr Rudyuk
Work experience: 14 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

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