Ultrasound of the scrotum

What an Ultrasound of the Scrotum Shows

An ultrasound of the scrotum helps diagnose various diseases and pathological changes in the male genital area. The study reveals hydrocele (scrotal fluid buildup), fluid accumulation in the testicular coverings, varicocele — the expansion of veins in the scrotum, testicular tumors, both benign and malignant, orchitis, epididymitis, and other pathologies. The diagnosis helps accurately assess the condition of the organs, detect pathological changes at early stages, and determine the optimal treatment method.

Ultrasound diagnostics offer many advantages that make this method accessible and effective. Ultrasound is completely safe, allowing the procedure to be repeated multiple times without harm to health. This method is also fast and painless: the procedure takes just a few minutes and does not cause discomfort. Furthermore, ultrasound is highly accurate, enabling early detection of various pathological changes. Compared to other diagnostic methods, such as CT or MRI, ultrasound is more affordable. The examination is safe for all age groups, including infants and the elderly.

Ultrasound of the Scrotum: Indications

Ultrasound is recommended in various cases. A doctor may prescribe the study when there is suspicion of congenital malformations, to assess the consequences of injuries, or when there are issues with sexual function. The examination is also useful when preparing for conception. Other indications:

  • erection, ejaculation issues;
  • conception problems;
  • scrotal swelling;
  • discomfort during urination, defecation, or sexual intercourse;
  • itching, redness, and other symptoms of inflammation;
  • pain in the groin area;
  • noticeable vein expansion;
  • presence of lumps in the scrotum area.

Scrotal ultrasound helps diagnose diseases, establish diagnoses, and monitor changes during treatment and follow-up.

Diseases Diagnosed by Scrotum Ultrasound

Ultrasound allows for the diagnosis of various diseases and pathologies:

  1. Varicocele — enlargement of veins inside the scrotum, which may lead to infertility.
  2. Hydrocele — fluid accumulation around the testicle.
  3. Cryptorchidism — a congenital defect in the development of the genital organs, where one or both testicles are absent.
  4. Orchitis — testicular inflammation, often caused by infections.
  5. Epididymitis — inflammation of the epididymis, which may be related to infections.
  6. Infertility — scrotal ultrasound helps identify anatomical abnormalities that could be the cause of male infertility.

The method has minimal contraindications, allowing it to be performed on children and elderly patients, regardless of any comorbidities. The only limitation is skin damage caused by trauma or disease.

Ultrasound diagnosis
Doctor: Liliya Kovalerenko

How Testicular Ultrasound is Performed

For a scrotal ultrasound, the patient must remove clothing to allow access to the examined area. The examination can be done while lying or standing. The doctor applies the ultrasound probe to the skin, and sound waves are directed at the scrotal organs, creating a real-time image. Doppler imaging is used for blood vessel studies, allowing for the assessment of blood flow characteristics.

If necessary, a Valsalva maneuver is performed to assess the state of the vessels when the abdominal muscles are tensed, revealing varicose veins. Decoding the results and preparing the conclusion takes no more than 20 minutes. The patient then consults with the treating physician to establish the final diagnosis and, if necessary, proceed with further treatment.

How to Prepare for a Scrotum Ultrasound

To prepare for the ultrasound, a few simple recommendations should be followed to ensure the accuracy of the examination. It is recommended to maintain personal hygiene and thoroughly clean the scrotum area before the procedure. Unlike other ultrasounds, no dietary changes or special measures are needed to prepare for scrotal ultrasound. The patient can eat and drink as usual. The examination can be performed at any age, regardless of health status.

If Doppler imaging is planned, it is recommended to refrain from smoking for an hour before the procedure, as nicotine can cause blood vessels to constrict, affecting the accuracy of the results. To prevent discomfort, men are advised to shave the pubic area, as the gel used during the study can remain in the hair, causing unpleasant sensations. If the ultrasound is for a child or adolescent, parents should prepare them psychologically in advance. Fear in young children can lead to the retraction of the testicles into the inguinal canals, complicating the examination.

The main advantages of our clinic

The technical potential of the clinic allows for complex and multi-stage research.
All procedures are performed using thoughtful and gentle methods.
Modern equipment allows visualization of even hard-to-reach places.
All conditions have been created for carrying out various diagnostic procedures.

Testicular Ultrasound for Men at the New Life Clinic

Diagnostics at the “New Life” clinic are performed by highly qualified specialists using modern equipment. Our clinic has been operating since 1997 and provides a wide range of medical services. Our team includes doctors and candidates of medical sciences, as well as top-tier specialists.

Ultrasound of the scrotal organs helps accurately diagnose various pathologies. We guarantee high service levels, professionalism, and responsibility for results. All examinations are carried out in comfortable conditions, and after the examination, the doctor provides a detailed consultation and recommendations for further treatment and monitoring.

Our doctors are highly qualified specialists with international experience and members of prestigious medical organizations in Europe and America. The clinic performs surgeries of various complexities, as well as provides post-operative care in comfortable rooms.

New Life
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience: 34 years
Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
Work experience: 19 years
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience: 14 years
Doctor Rodion Fedorishin Rodion Fedorishin
Urologist, Ph.D.
Work experience: 25 years
New Life

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