In Kyiv, you can remove moles with a laser at the New Life Clinic – our center employs qualified specialists who have extensive experience and all the necessary knowledge to:
- conduct a thorough preoperative diagnosis;
- minimize the risk of complications;
- observe all the nuances of the intervention technology;
- remove neoplasms of various types, taking into account their specifics.
Surgical removal of moles using a scalpel often leads to the need for repeated intervention, and also requires a long recovery period. The use of laser technologies makes it possible to get rid of skin formations quickly and without consequences.
Types of skin neoplasms
One of the most common types of dermatological pathologies is papillomas. They can be both harmless and potentially dangerous, capable of developing into malignant formations.
Dermatologists distinguish several types of papillomas:
- flat;
- nodular;
- filiform;
- acute condylomas;
- epithelial hyperplasia.
In addition to papillomas, all types of moles, especially those that cause concern due to their growth, color, and pain, can be considered indications for seeing a doctor. With a laser, you can also get rid of warts, ingrown corns, and corns. Removing growths has not only an aesthetic effect. First of all, this method is an opportunity to get rid of the risk of growths turning into more serious neoplasms.
Laser removal of moles and other dermatological growths in Kiev is painless, has a pronounced aesthetic effect, requires only local anesthesia with a low pain threshold for the patient.
With the help of a laser, papillomas and warts, nevi can be removed on any part of the body, including those located in such delicate areas as the eyelids. Scarring occurs quickly, does not require the application of antiseptic dressings. After excision of the growths, blood vessels are sealed, which practically eliminates bleeding.
The result of the intervention is the formation of a small crust on the site of the former growth, which disappears on its own a few days after the procedure. There are no scars or scars left on the tissues.
The laser beam penetrates deep into the skin structures, which leads to the death of the base of the neoplasm and eliminates its re-development.