Intervertebral hernia

Anatomy of the Spine and Intervertebral Hernias

The human spine consists of 32–33 vertebrae and is divided into five main sections. The cervical section supports the head and allows it to move in various directions. The first cervical vertebra plays a special role, connecting the spine to the skull. The thoracic section, together with the ribs, forms the rib cage, which protects vital organs such as the heart and lungs. The lumbar section is the largest and strongest, as it bears the primary load during physical activity. It is responsible for bending and straightening the torso and for movements in various planes. The lumbar vertebrae are often prone to changes, including the formation of intervertebral hernias. The sacral and coccygeal sections participate in pelvic movements.

Intervertebral discs are elastic structures located between the vertebrae. They consist of two main components: the fibrous ring and the nucleus pulposus. Their functions include:

  • Shock absorption.
  • Providing flexibility.
  • Maintaining optimal distance between vertebrae.

Causes of Intervertebral Hernias

The condition develops when the nucleus pulposus of an intervertebral disc protrudes through tears in the fibrous ring, causing nerve compression and pain. Contributing factors include:

  • Age-related changes. Over time, discs lose elasticity and moisture, and their structure loses the ability to regenerate.
  • Excessive strain on the spine, such as heavy lifting or physical labor. Improper exercise technique or prolonged sitting can provoke the development of intervertebral hernias.
  • Genetic predisposition associated with connective tissue characteristics and overall spinal structure.
  • Injuries, such as falls, car accidents, or sports trauma. The effects of injuries may manifest over time as the disc becomes more vulnerable to strain.

A defect can occur in any section of the spine but is most commonly found in the lumbar and cervical sections. These areas endure the greatest stress.

Clinical Manifestations of Intervertebral Hernias

The symptoms of the condition depend on its location and are not always pronounced. Key signs indicating a problem include:

  • Back pain that intensifies during simple movements such as bending or turning.
  • Radiating pain. Hernias in the lumbar section often compress nerve endings that extend to the extremities, causing tingling or numbness in the legs.
  • Limited mobility. Patients may find it difficult to rise from a chair, bend, or turn due to muscle spasms triggered by pain.
  • Muscle weakness, making it challenging to lift legs, perform simple tasks, or carry objects.

If you notice symptoms that suggest the condition, do not delay consulting a specialist. Early diagnosis at the New Life Clinic and proper treatment can help you return to an active lifestyle quickly.

Surgical treatment
Doctor: David Noga

Types of Intervertebral Hernias

The condition is classified based on various criteria. Depending on the direction of the herniation, the types include lateral, medial, posterior, and mixed. Hernias are also categorized by size: Small — up to 4 mm, Moderate — 4–8 mm, Large — over 8 mm. Each type requires an individual approach to treatment. Physicians usually recommend conservative therapy before considering surgical intervention. Based on the degree of rupture, the following types are distinguished:


The disc bulges outward, but the fibrous ring remains intact. This leads to nerve root compression, pain, numbness, or weakness in the limbs. Cervical and lumbar hernias are the most common.


The central part of the disc extends beyond the fibrous ring but remains connected to it. This condition often results from age-related changes, excessive strain, or injuries.


The fibrous ring ruptures, allowing the disc’s inner content to enter the spinal canal. This causes sensitivity issues, reduced mobility, and, in severe cases, paralysis.

Indications for Surgical Treatment

If conservative treatment fails to deliver results within several months and symptoms worsen, surgery may be necessary. Primary indications for surgery include:

  1. Severe pain that disrupts daily life.
  2. Neurological symptoms, such as progressive numbness or loss of control over certain bodily functions.
  3. Weakness in the limbs, indicating significant nerve compression.

Before surgery, patients undergo a preparatory phase. MRI or CT scans help accurately determine the location and size of the hernia. Blood and urine tests rule out other conditions and assess overall health. During consultations, specialists at the New Life Clinic explain what to expect from surgery and answer any questions patients may have.

The main advantages of our clinic

A comprehensive examination is carried out
The clinical decision-making system provides for the selection of adequate treatment
Many diseases can be cured with minimally invasive interventions and procedures
Modern equipment, high-quality visualization for diagnosis and innovative treatment

Surgical Options for Hernia Removal

Open microdiscectomy is a classic treatment method. The surgeon makes an incision in the back and removes the part of the disc compressing the nerve. Advantages of this method include a high success rate and direct access to the affected area. Alternative methods include:

  • Laser removal of the hernia. This minimally invasive procedure involves evaporating part of the hernia with a laser through a small skin puncture. The effectiveness depends on the size of the hernia.
  • Endoscopic discectomy. An endoscope is inserted through a small incision, and the procedure is monitored via a video camera. Advantages include minimal blood loss and reduced infection risk.

Specialists at the New Life Clinic perform surgeries of varying complexity. The clinic’s advantages include consultations with international colleagues, innovative equipment, and a wide range of services. For more information, contact the administrator via phone, messenger, or the online booking form on the website.

New Life
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience: 34 years
Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
Work experience: 19 years
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience: 14 years
Doctor Rodion Fedorishin Rodion Fedorishin
Urologist, Ph.D.
Work experience: 25 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

Оперировалась в клинике по поводу диастаза передней брюшной стенки. С этой проблемой сталкиваются многие женщины после родов. До того, как попасть в Нью Лайф, прошла другую клинику пластической хирургии. Не смогли ушить так, чтоб мышцы не расходились. Через 3 месяца результат сошёл к нулю. И я снова была с животом беременной женщины. Моя косметолог-врач посоветовала мне искать абдоминальную клинику. Я нашла Нью Лайф и Давида Анатолиевича. Результатом довольна. Наконец-то мои поиски увенчались успехом. Отношение к пациентам то же на хорошем уровне. Приём не 10-15 минут, а час и более. Выясняют все ваши проблемы, а не только по причине обращения. Все выяснили и вылечили.

40 years old

25 лютого робив операцію з видалення пахової грижі. Дякую доктору Давиду Анатолійовичу та доктору Олександру Феліксовичу за чудову роботу!

61 years old

Дедушка в свои 77 лет жутко боялся врачей, операции и больницу, поэтому лет 8 “носил” свою паховую грыжу. Противопоказаний к операции по здоровью не было, просто боялся. И доносил её до ужасающих размеров, бинтовал к ноге! С трудом уговорили его решиться. Спасибо Вам, Давид Анатольевич, и дай Вам Бог здоровья за то, что подарили нашему дедушке возможность спокойно пожить в свои преклонные годы!

30 years old

В январе 2019 мне делали операцию паховой грыжи. На консультации Давид Анатольевич сразу расположил к себе и я решила оперироваться в Нью Лайф. Я ооочень довольна профессионализмом всех! Мои никудышные вены с первого раза(!) сдались, приняли катетер и незаметно пробыли с ним сутки. На операции мы говорили, шутили, дискутировали – была спинальная. На следующий день, потихонечку собравшись, уже можно было ехать домой. Если не злоупотреблять обезболивающим первые сутки после операции – подняться намного легче. Все советы врача и медсестер соблюдать и будет вам быстрое восстановление. Кстати, внимание врачей невероятное! Причем к тебе приходят все кто был на операции. Консультация после операции по телефону тоже была и неоднократно. Швы сняли через 10 дней – ррраз и все. Главное, хочу посоветовать девушкам делать такую операцию сразу после дамских дней – бандаж крепится своеобразно между ног. Сейчас могу бегать, прыгать, одевать обтягивающие вещи и все красиво и не болит! Спасибо Нью Лайф!!!

34 years old
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