Treatment of varicocele at the New Life Clinic

Effective and Affordable Treatment of Varicocele at the New Life Medical Center

Varicocele is a condition characterized by varicose veins of the spermatic cord. It often progresses asymptomatically and may only be detected during a urological examination, though it can sometimes cause mild pain in the scrotum and perineum. The condition poses significant risks due to complications, such as testicular tissue atrophy, reduced reproductive function, and male infertility.

Given the severity of the disease and its potential complications, the New Life Medical Center recommends timely treatment of varicocele by highly qualified doctors with top-tier credentials.

Our diagnostic department is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, enabling precise identification of the condition, its causes, type, and stage. This facilitates accurate diagnosis and the development of an effective treatment plan, whether through conservative therapy or surgical intervention.

Indications for Varicocele Treatment

It is advisable to begin treatment at the earliest signs of the condition or based on specific medical indications, which include:

  • The presence of cosmetic defects, such as an altered scrotal shape.
  • Reduction in the size of the testicles.
  • Testicular dysfunction.
  • Pain in the scrotal area.
  • Sexual dysfunction.
  • Initial signs of infertility.

In many cases, varicocele can be managed in its early stages through medication, without requiring laparoscopic surgery. However, the choice of treatment method is determined by the attending physician based on the symptoms, which may include:

  • Pain and a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum.
  • Changes in the shape of the scrotum.
  • A sensation of pulsation in the scrotum.

For cases with mild or hidden symptoms, our diagnostic department features premium equipment capable of rapidly and accurately identifying early signs of the condition.

Surgical treatment
Doctor: David Noga

Stages of Consultation and Varicocele Treatment

Examinations, conservative or laparoscopic treatments, and urological surgeries at the New Life Medical Center are conducted in compliance with modern medical standards. One of the key advantages is our competitive pricing, allowing access to various treatment methods, including:

Initial consultation and therapeutic course

This stage involves examinations, additional tests, diagnosis, and the application of innovative techniques.

Supportive therapy

Supportive therapy, which may include inpatient care and medical supervision.

Full rehabilitation

Full rehabilitation, including recovery programs and remote consultations if needed.

Certified tools, licensed equipment, and low-toxicity medications are used in all treatments. This ensures that the process is entirely safe, while the cost of services at New Life Medical Center remains affordable.

The main advantages of our clinic

A comprehensive examination of the genitourinary organs is performed.
The clinical decision-making system involves choosing an adequate treatment
Many diseases can be cured with minimally invasive interventions and procedures.
Modern equipment and high-quality visualization are necessary for diagnosis and implementation of innovative treatment.

Conservative Treatment of Varicocele

During the initial consultation, the doctor performs a clinical examination. If varicocele is suspected, hardware and laboratory diagnostics are prescribed. Conservative treatment generally involves medication aimed at alleviating symptoms such as pain, scrotal sagging, or heaviness. Medications that improve blood and lymph microcirculation are also prescribed.

Additionally, proven methods like physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, and wearing specialized support garments are employed.

If conservative treatment does not yield results, surgical intervention is performed. The cost of surgery at our center is competitive, and the outcomes are guaranteed. The surgery includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation.
  2. Anesthesia.
  3. Surgical access via incision or puncture.
  4. Vein ligation.
  5. Blood flow cessation.
  6. Antiseptic treatment.
  7. Suturing.

Recovery after surgery is brief, lasting about a month, with most patients resuming their usual routines, work, or even training within weeks.

Cost of Varicocele Treatment at New Life Medical Center

The cost of treatment, whether surgical or conservative, depends on the severity of the condition, the stage of the disease, complications, and individual physiological characteristics. For instance, the price of surgery may include the cost of anesthesia.

Nevertheless, our pricing remains highly competitive and lower than that of most other medical facilities in Kyiv.

Conditions for Varicocele Treatment at New Life Medical Center

Clinical examinations, hardware diagnostics, laboratory tests, and outpatient treatment are conducted in comfortable settings with advanced equipment. For surgical treatments, we offer convenient inpatient rooms with attentive medical staff and affordable rates.

New Life
Doctor David Noga David Noga
Head of the clinic, surgeon
Work experience: 34 years
Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
Work experience: 19 years
Doctor Liliya Kovalerenko Liliya Kovalerenko
Work experience: 14 years
Doctor Rodion Fedorishin Rodion Fedorishin
Urologist, Ph.D.
Work experience: 25 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

Варикоцеле обнаружилось при профилактическом осмотре хирургом. Врач порекомендовал уролога из клиники Нью Лайф, к нему и обратился. После осмотра диагноз подтвердился и буквально на следующий день проведено лечение. Все хорошо, вовремя оказывается все обнаружилось.

20 лет

У меня до взросления вообще никаких проблем не было, но потом все хуже и хуже становилось. Понял, что без доктора не обойтись вот и обратился в Нью Лайф. Доктор сказал, что в моем случае показана операцию, которую очень скоро он и сделал. Сейчас все хорошо.

25 лет

Всем здравствуйте, наконец дошли руки написать отзыв. Очень благодарна врачам клиники за отношение и качественное лечение. Долго определялась, но сейчас понимаю, что сделала правильный выбор и оказалась в надежных руках. Лечение дало положительный результат, и я вновь ощутила, что значит быть человеком и жить нормальной жизнью. Спасибо Вам большое за это.

43 года

Несколько дней беспокоили зуд и жжение в промежности, затем появились частые позывы на мочеиспускание, и дальше становилось все хуже. Не знаю, чтобы я делала, если бы подруга не завезла меня в клинику Нью Лайф, где мне очень быстро сделали все необходимые обследования, и назначили лечение. Я очень довольна сервисом и отличными результатами.

32 года

З’явилися проблеми з простатою, я думав не звертатися до лікарів, але щось дуже притиснуло, і доводилося з себе буквально видавлювати. Природно, рідні звернули увагу, що зі мною щось не так і завезли до лікаря уролога. Після обстеження було прийнято рішення зробити операцію. Зараз все чудово. Дякуємо лікарям Нью Лайфа за якісно випалену роботу.

65 років

Лечил воспаление мочевого пузыря в клинике Нью Лайф. Все успешно, кроме того обслуживание на высоком уровне, все корректно и доброжелательно. Сразу чувствуются серъезность подхода к своим клиентам. Рекомендую.

33 года
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