Gynecologist consultation in Kyiv

Gynecologist Consultation at New Life Clinic

Regular visits to a gynecologist are the key to a woman’s health. The women’s consultation offers services in areas such as diagnosis, prevention, therapeutic gynecology, conducting diagnostic exams and tests, as well as pregnancy planning and management. Specialists help prevent potential problems and find solutions to existing ones.

A paid gynecologist consultation may be required for various reasons: pain and discomfort in the abdomen, heavy discharge, menstrual cycle disturbances, infertility, bleeding, unpleasant sensations during intercourse, and when planning pregnancy. Women under 30 are recommended to have a preventive visit once a year, while women over 30 should visit every six months.

Examination on the gynecological chair, lab tests, and research will help detect and resolve the problem in time, preventing its further development.

Anonymous Gynecologist Consultation: Benefits at "New Life"

At the “New Life” medical center in Kyiv, gynecologist consultations are conducted anonymously. This approach ensures comfort and adherence to medical ethics.

Advantages of visiting the clinic:

  • No queues and comfortable environment
  • Precision and painlessness of procedures
  • Use of disposable sterile instruments that do not require additional purchase
  • Accurate diagnostics and complete confidentiality

The cost of a gynecologist consultation includes all necessary diagnostic procedures, ultrasound, and recommendations from qualified specialists. If surgical intervention is required, the clinic has surgeons of various specialties available. You can make an appointment at “New Life” by phone or through the online form on our website.

How a Gynecologist Consultation Takes Place

At each stage, patients at the “New Life” clinic receive professional help, care, and individualized attention. This comprehensive format not only helps successfully address existing issues but also ensures long-term health preservation. To ensure a full cycle of medical care, the “New Life” clinic includes the following stages:

Initial gynecologist consultation and examination

The doctor performs an exam using modern innovative techniques. Laboratory and endoscopic methods are applied for accurate diagnosis.

Supportive treatment

During the recovery period, hospitalization under medical supervision may be offered.


If necessary, rehabilitation follow-up and repeat gynecologist consultations are conducted for full health recovery.

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases
Doctor: Yury Marchenko

Why You Shouldn't Delay Your Appointment with a Gynecologist

The health of a woman’s reproductive system requires regular monitoring. You should see a doctor not only when experiencing symptoms but also for preventive care. We recommend scheduling an appointment with a gynecologist in the following cases:

  • Routine check-ups. Once a year, even without symptoms.
  • Menstrual cycle disturbances. For example, delays, painful or excessively heavy periods.
  • Lower abdominal pain. Even mild discomfort can be a sign of an underlying condition.
  • Pregnancy planning. It is important to ensure there are no infections or other obstacles to conception.
  • Menopause. A consultation helps cope with hormonal changes and alleviate symptoms.

Do not delay your visit if you notice any alarming symptoms. You can make an appointment with a gynecologist in Kyiv at a convenient time by phone or through our website.

Gynecologist Consultation, Kyiv: How to Prepare for the Visit

To get the most accurate diagnostic results and effective consultation, it’s important to properly prepare for your visit. Here are a few recommendations to make the examination comfortable and informative:

  1. Plan your visit on the 5th-7th day of your menstrual cycle (counting from the first day of your period). This is the optimal period for diagnostics, as the reproductive system is in the calmest state.
  2. Take a shower before the visit, avoiding the use of aggressive hygiene products. To maintain the natural flora, it is not recommended to use douching or intimate deodorants for two days prior to the gynecologist consultation.
  3. To increase the accuracy of the tests and avoid distorted results, refrain from sexual intercourse for 1-2 days before the examination.

If you are undergoing treatment, avoid using vaginal suppositories, creams, or tablets for 48 hours before the visit, unless otherwise directed by your doctor.

The main advantages of our clinic

The examination is carried out on modern equipment
Specialists with extensive experience and work experience
Many diseases can be cured with the help of minimally invasive surgical interventions
Modern equipment and high qualification of doctors make it possible to find solutions even in difficult cases

Psychological Preparation: Gynecology Consultation

Psychological preparation before visiting a female doctor is important to make the process as comfortable as possible. A gynecological exam is an essential part of caring for a woman’s health. Although many women experience anxiety before such an exam, proper preparation can help manage these emotions.

Understanding that regular gynecologist consultations allow for early detection and prevention of problems helps reduce anxiety. It is important to see this exam as a step toward maintaining health. Myths and fears, which often arise, are frequently the reason for avoiding a visit. Modern diagnostic and treatment methods are safe and practically painless, and doctors at the “New Life” clinic use delicate approaches, ensuring comfort.

Think ahead about what you want to discuss with the doctor. Write down any symptoms that worry you and questions you may have to make sure you don’t forget anything. This will help the doctor better understand the issue and prescribe necessary tests. Remember, everything discussed with the doctor remains confidential. Gynecologists at the “New Life” women’s consultation are always ready to provide attentive care and high service standards to ensure your visit is as comfortable as possible.

New Life
Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
Work experience: 19 years
Doctor Lyudmila Shpura Lyudmila Shpura
Work experience: 10 years
Doctor Yulia Govoruha Yulia Govoruha
Work experience: 8 years
Doctor Volodymyr Rudyuk Volodymyr Rudyuk
Work experience: 14 years
New Life

The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

Моя щира вдячність та велика пошана лікарю-гiнeкологу: Шпура Людмила Володимирівна. Під час проведення УЗД лікар надала детальні роз’яснення всіх біологічних, фізіологічних, гормональних процесів та мої відхилень від норми. Турботливо та м’яко роз’яснила про необхідність хірургічного втручання. Крім того, надала дорожню карту, як рухатись далі в процесі лікування відповідно до моїх бажань зі встановленням пріоритетних кроків щодо майбутнього лікування, що значно полегшило мій доволі важкий психологічний стан та значно знизило стрес. Прошу Адміністрацію клініки Нью Лайф надати пошану та винагороду для Шпури Людмили Володимирівни. Дякую. З повагою, Зоя.


Команда гінекологічної хірургії на висоті, турботливий і високопрофесійний персонал усіх рівнів – від спілкування на ресепшнв та платного супроводу, до безпосередньої операції та анестезії. Дуже задоволена усім. Хірургу Гринді Ігорю окреме велике дякую. (не даремно кажуть, що найкращій) І лікарці анестезіологу за легке протікання та комфортний вихід. Усе виявилося не страшно завдяки всім вам! Дякую! Щиро раджу звертатися по допомогу саме сюди.


Добрый день. Хочу поблагодарить Гринду Игоря Евгеньевича. Очень внимательный врач и специалист своего дела. Я лечила бесплодие 10 лет и ничего не помогало. Только после того, как в клинике “Нью лайф” Игорь Евгениевич сделал мне лапароскопию я наконец увидела долгожданные две полоски. Операция была сложной, но прошла успешно. Я точно не ошиблась с выбором лечащего врача.


Здравствуйте! Выражаю огромную благодарность за проведенную операцию Грынде Игорю и всему персоналу. А также анастезиологу Петровичу за очень комфортный наркоз))) Рада, что попала именно в вашу клинику.

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    записаться гастроэнтерологуимплантирование зубаузи органов брюшной полости киев ценастоимость консультации эндокринологакиев хирургияцена узи мочевого пузырялечение острого парапроктита