Gynecologist consultation in Kyiv

Consultation with a gynecologist is very different from the reception of other specialists. First, the complaints are clarified, the anamnesis of the disease and the patient’s life history are studied. Further examination in mirrors and bimanual examination is performed. Often this is enough for a preventive consultation. But if there are abnormalities during the examination or obvious problems, colposcopy, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, hysteroscopy and other tests, laboratory tests can also be performed.

Consultation of a gynecologist at the New Life Clinic

Regular visits to a gynecologist are a guarantee of a woman’s health. The women’s consultation provides services in such areas as diagnostics, prevention, medical gynecology, diagnostic examinations and research, pregnancy planning and management. The help of specialists is necessary both to prevent the occurrence of problems and to find solutions to unpleasant situations that have already arisen.

Paid consultation of a gynecologist may be necessary for a number of reasons, including pain and discomfort in the abdomen, the appearance of abundant secretions, menstrual cycle disorders, infertility, bleeding, unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse , pregnancy planning, etc. Women under the age of 30 should schedule a preventive visit to a doctor annually, and women over 30 – every 6 months.

A visit to the doctor, an intravaginal examination in a chair, laboratory tests, prompt and correct detection of symptoms will help solve the problem and prevent its development.

 Anonymous gynecologist consultation

The consultation of a gynecologist at the “New Life” medical center in Kyiv is conducted completely anonymously. This approach is caring for each of our clients and compliance with medical regulations, which allows us to provide the most comfortable conditions for women when visiting the clinic.

Advantages of consultation with a gynecologist at the New Life Clinic

Many women mistakenly believe that diagnosis and treatment in private medical centers is an expensive pleasure. But if you take into account the complexity of the approach and the implementation of all measures necessary for an effective examination, then the price of our services will turn out to be very acceptable for each patient, because it will include the cost of diagnostic procedures, ultrasound, research on the latest equipment, and the help of qualified specialists.

But an affordable price policy is not the only advantage of a private medical center in Kyiv. Reviews of our customers highlight:

  • absence of queues and comfort of staying on the territory of the clinic;
  • accuracy and painless procedures;
  • use by doctors of individual disposable accessories and sets during examinations (which do not need to be purchased additionally);
  • guarantee of the accuracy of the diagnosis and anonymity.

The undoubted advantage of a gynecologist’s consultation based on a medical center is the availability of specialists of various profiles. If intervention and operations are necessary, time will not be wasted on searching for a qualified surgeon.

You can make an appointment with a gynecologist by phone or by filling out the form on the website.


A gynecologist performs an examination. Modern innovative methods using laboratory and endoscopic methods are performed


In the recovery period, it is possible to stay in a hospital and receive medical support


If necessary, rehabilitation monitoring and repeated consultations of gynecologists are carried out.
Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases
Doctor: Yury Marchenko

The main advantages of our clinic

The examination is carried out on modern equipment
Specialists with extensive experience and work experience
Many diseases can be cured with the help of minimally invasive surgical interventions
Modern equipment and high qualification of doctors make it possible to find solutions even in difficult cases
Make an appointment

    New Life
    Doctor Igor Grynda Igor Grynda
    Work experience: 19 years
    Doctor Lyudmila Shpura Lyudmila Shpura
    Work experience: 10 years
    Doctor Yulia Govoruha Yulia Govoruha
    Work experience: 8 years
    Doctor Volodymyr Rudyuk Volodymyr Rudyuk
    Work experience: 14 years
    New Life

    The language, style and spelling of the authors are preserved

    Моя щира вдячність та велика пошана лікарю-гiнeкологу: Шпура Людмила Володимирівна. Під час проведення УЗД лікар надала детальні роз’яснення всіх біологічних, фізіологічних, гормональних процесів та мої відхилень від норми. Турботливо та м’яко роз’яснила про необхідність хірургічного втручання. Крім того, надала дорожню карту, як рухатись далі в процесі лікування відповідно до моїх бажань зі встановленням пріоритетних кроків щодо майбутнього лікування, що значно полегшило мій доволі важкий психологічний стан та значно знизило стрес. Прошу Адміністрацію клініки Нью Лайф надати пошану та винагороду для Шпури Людмили Володимирівни. Дякую. З повагою, Зоя.


    Команда гінекологічної хірургії на висоті, турботливий і високопрофесійний персонал усіх рівнів – від спілкування на ресепшнв та платного супроводу, до безпосередньої операції та анестезії. Дуже задоволена усім. Хірургу Гринді Ігорю окреме велике дякую. (не даремно кажуть, що найкращій) І лікарці анестезіологу за легке протікання та комфортний вихід. Усе виявилося не страшно завдяки всім вам! Дякую! Щиро раджу звертатися по допомогу саме сюди.


    Добрый день. Хочу поблагодарить Гринду Игоря Евгеньевича. Очень внимательный врач и специалист своего дела. Я лечила бесплодие 10 лет и ничего не помогало. Только после того, как в клинике “Нью лайф” Игорь Евгениевич сделал мне лапароскопию я наконец увидела долгожданные две полоски. Операция была сложной, но прошла успешно. Я точно не ошиблась с выбором лечащего врача.


    Здравствуйте! Выражаю огромную благодарность за проведенную операцию Грынде Игорю и всему персоналу. А также анастезиологу Петровичу за очень комфортный наркоз))) Рада, что попала именно в вашу клинику.



    New Life
    Primary consultation of a top category obstetrician-gynecologist
    UAH 1,300
    Initial consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist
    UAH 850
    Repeated consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category
    UAH 1,000
    Repeated consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist
    UAH 750
    записаться гастроэнтерологуимплантирование зубаузи органов брюшной полости киев ценастоимость консультации эндокринологакиев хирургия